Category: Expert advice

Am I eating enough for my baby’s growth?

Am I eating enough for my baby’s growth?

Marie, I am having difficulty eating regularly, and I don’t know if I am eating enough for my baby’s growth. Can you help? I am
Can I take a flight during my pregnancy?

Can I take a flight during my pregnancy?

I am 16 weeks pregnant and I have the chance to go south with my partner for 10 days. I am worried about the recommendations
Do you have suggestions to avoid being induced?

Do you have suggestions to avoid being induced?

Marie, my doctor wants to induce me next week to start my labour, but I would prefer that it occur naturally. Do you have any
How can I help a baby with a cold and congestion?

How can I help a baby with a cold and congestion?

Marie, my five-month-old baby has a cold and is very congested. I am regularly using saline water and a nose pump regularly, but do you
I am at 40 weeks tomorrow!

I am at 40 weeks tomorrow!

Read the previous part of Charlotte's story, I am 39 weeks pregnant, and I lost a bit of fluid. Lisez le récit précédant de Charlotte,
Is it possible to lack breast milk when breastfeeding my baby?

Is it possible to lack breast milk when breastfeeding my baby?

My baby wants to breastfeed all the time like they are never satisfied! I think my milk isn’t nourishing enough for him. What should I
Can I go downhill skiing during my pregnancy?

Can I go downhill skiing during my pregnancy?

I have been downhill skiing almost my whole life, and am an expert skier. But I am 13 weeks pregnant and everyone is saying I
My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

My baby has a flat head. What should I do?

Marie, I was wondering what to do for my two-month-old baby whose head is flatter on one side. I try to take precautions to improve
Are there different labour and childbirth positions?

Are there different labour and childbirth positions?

I recently read an article from Europe that talked about different helpful positions during labour and childbirth suggested by a doctor over there. I was
Defining Gestational Hypertension

Defining Gestational Hypertension

To learn more about high blood pressure, read Pregnancy and High Blood Pressure. Article updated on June 1, 2023. By definition, gestational hypertension is one
Tattoos and Pregnancy

Tattoos and Pregnancy

Did you read the previous part about Pregnancy Acne and the Formation of Cysts? Definition and explanation of why: On western countries, about 10-30% of
Who is the midwife?

Who is the midwife?

A midwife is a health professional working with future parents during a healthy pregnancy. They monitor them through childbirth and after the birth of the