Category: Delivery/life with the baby

What’s the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression?

What’s the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression?

Le baby blues suit de près l’accouchement. Quand on parle d’une dépression postnatale, on verra alors les symptômes de déprime s’accentuer.
Parents and First-Aid for Babies

Parents and First-Aid for Babies

Parents are concerned about caring for their baby. They also want to react properly in case of an emergency.
Amazing Homemade Baby Purée Recipes

Amazing Homemade Baby Purée Recipes

Here are a few recipes that will guide you through the world of baby purées. Somes recipes are simple and some others are more difficult.
Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

The baby cries a lot at night, and I don’t know what to do! Someone talked to me about a type of dance, but I
Can I make baby purées in advance?

Can I make baby purées in advance?

I’m 36 weeks pregnant, in top shape but in preventative withdrawal. I’m preparing meals for the return home after childbirth and was wondering if you
What is listeriosis?

What is listeriosis?

Marie, my friend Élodie is 18 weeks pregnant and just had a sort of severe flu. The doctor told her she has a listeriosis infection.
My baby is five months old and still not sleeping a full night!

My baby is five months old and still not sleeping a full night!

Why is my five-month-old still waking up every two or three hours at night? How can I change the situation?
How can I avoid heat pimples on my baby’s face?

How can I avoid heat pimples on my baby’s face?

I know I shouldn’t worry, but my baby has a lot of heat pimples on his face when I breastfeed. Are there things I can
Can I use raspberry herbal tea to increase my milk production?

Can I use raspberry herbal tea to increase my milk production?

Marie, I would like to increase my milk production naturally, and some of my friends told me about raspberry herbal tea. Can I use it
How can I protect my baby from mosquitoes and ticks?

How can I protect my baby from mosquitoes and ticks?

Marie, our daughter is already three months old and will go camping with us soon. We were wondering how we can protect our baby from
What does APGAR mean?

What does APGAR mean?

I gave birth to my baby a month ago, and I saw that my son’s APGAR was 8 and then 9. I don’t know what
Baby’s crooked legs and feet – is it normal ?

Baby’s crooked legs and feet – is it normal ?

Parents are worried about the fact that their little treasure’s legs are arched, and their feet point inside.