Category: Your questions

My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

Marie, my two-month-old baby seems to have an earache. He twists and turns and complains a lot more. Is he teething? Is he just naturally
When to worry about your little one's language?

When to worry about your little one’s language?

When to worry about your little one's language? If you notice signs that raise questions, trust yourself as a parent.
How can I stimulate my one-month-old baby?

How can I stimulate my one-month-old baby?

I have questions because my baby sleeps a lot and I wonder if I should stimulate them to optimise their development.
I am having contractions several times a day.

I am having contractions several times a day.

Marie, I am 30 weeks pregnant and having contractions several times a day, especially when I stand up. Is this normal? Thanks for your help,
What are the criteria for becoming a breast milk donor?

What are the criteria for becoming a breast milk donor?

Did you read the first part, What are Breast Milk Banks Used For? Avez-vous lu la partie précédente À qui sert le lait maternel des
Lump of skin in the bottom of the belly button

Lump of skin in the bottom of the belly button

Marie, my baby lost their dried umbilical cord but there is a lump of skin in the bottom of their belly button. What do I
Advice for Parents: How to Find Your Way

Advice for Parents: How to Find Your Way

Comment s’y retrouver pour prendre les meilleures décisions pour votre poupon? Qui a raison? Quelle est la formule gagnante?
Why did the nurse give my newborn a injection in the thigh?

Why did the nurse give my newborn a injection in the thigh?

Marie, can you tell me why the nurse gave my baby an injection in the thigh after delivery? I was too tired to ask the
I’m a new dad. How do I care for my baby?

I’m a new dad. How do I care for my baby?

Marie, HELP! I want to help my wife take care of my baby, but I have never bathed one, or changed a diaper. How can
What’s the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression?

What’s the difference between baby blues and postpartum depression?

Le baby blues suit de près l’accouchement. Quand on parle d’une dépression postnatale, on verra alors les symptômes de déprime s’accentuer.
Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my two-month-old baby water? It’s sweltering out, and he’s always thirsty. Thanks for your help, Anouk Anouk, your baby is still too
Can I eat everything when I breastfeed?

Can I eat everything when I breastfeed?

My name is Justine, and I was wondering if there are foods I shouldn’t eat when I breastfeed my baby. Thanks for all your information,