Category: Your questions

I am having contractions several times a day.

I am having contractions several times a day.

Marie, I am 30 weeks pregnant and having contractions several times a day, especially when I stand up. Is this normal? Thanks for your help,
Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my 2-month-old baby water?

Can I give my two-month-old baby water? It’s sweltering out, and he’s always thirsty. Thanks for your help, Anouk Anouk, your baby is still too
My milk ejection reflex to too strong!

My milk ejection reflex to too strong!

I have an overly strong milk ejection reflex problem and don’t know what to do. It didn’t occur for my first baby, and I breastfed
Advice from a Pro: Preventing Baby Cardiac Arrest

Advice from a Pro: Preventing Baby Cardiac Arrest

What are the preventive tips and advice to limit the risk of baby cardiac arrest?
Lump of skin in the bottom of the belly button

Lump of skin in the bottom of the belly button

Marie, my baby lost their dried umbilical cord but there is a lump of skin in the bottom of their belly button. What do I
Can I travel to Mexico with my 3-month-old baby?

Can I travel to Mexico with my 3-month-old baby?

Marie, I have the opportunity to travel with my partner for a convention in Mexico, and I am a bit worried. My baby is only
What’s the difference between stress and anxiety?

What’s the difference between stress and anxiety?

What the difference is between stress and anxiety? I have a friend who was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder.
Is it common not to have breastmilk?

Is it common not to have breastmilk?

Hello Marie, I’ve never had milk letdown; I have a low milk supply. Giving mixed breastfeeding since birth. I must now resign myself to quit,
How can I stimulate my one-month-old baby?

How can I stimulate my one-month-old baby?

I have questions because my baby sleeps a lot and I wonder if I should stimulate them to optimise their development.
My baby’s bottom has rashes. What should I do?

My baby’s bottom has rashes. What should I do?

My baby has rashes on this bottom, and I don’t know what to use to soothe and heal his irritation. Can you help? Thanks in
Fathers and Breastfeeding

Fathers and Breastfeeding

We try to promote contact, closeness, the link with your baby after their birth. Create conditions for a close relationship between you and your young
How to make purées?

How to make purées?

Faites cuire l’aliment à la vapeur dans une marguerite avec de l’eau. Si l’eau est déjà bouillante, vous conservez davantage les vitamines.