Category: Questions/answers

Can I get a manicure with gel polish?

Can I get a manicure with gel polish?

Marie, I was wondering if I can get a manicure and pedicure with shellac polishes while pregnant. Is it safe? Thanks, and I figure I
I have little bumps on my areola!

I have little bumps on my areola!

I just noticed that I have little bumps on both my areola and I was wondering why. I never saw that before my pregnancy. Can
I have flat nipples and worried my baby won’t be able to breastfeed

I have flat nipples and worried my baby won’t be able to breastfeed

I have flat nipples, and I don’t know how my baby will be able to breastfeed when they are born in six months. Can I
Can I lose my baby if I continue to play sports while pregnant?

Can I lose my baby if I continue to play sports while pregnant?

Marie, I am 16 weeks pregnant and naturally sportive, but people are telling me to stop playing sports because I could lose my baby. Do
I am having contractions several times a day.

I am having contractions several times a day.

Marie, I am 30 weeks pregnant and having contractions several times a day, especially when I stand up. Is this normal? Thanks for your help,
What do babies see at birth?

What do babies see at birth?

Marie, after childbirth, can my baby see me? He seems to recognise me. Thanks, Marilyne Marilyne, you are not the only one asking this question.
What is a dehiscent cervix?

What is a dehiscent cervix?

Marie, my doctor said I have cervical dehiscence. What does that mean? I didn’t dare ask. Thanks in advance, Adeline. Adeline, it’s a great question
I am pregnant and my doctor said I have gained too much weight. What should I do?

I am pregnant and my doctor said I have gained too much weight. What should I do?

Marie, I’m very worried because during my last appointment my doctor said I have gained too much weight for my number of weeks pregnant. I
Why do I have hemorrhoids while pregnant?

Why do I have hemorrhoids while pregnant?

My name is Melinda, and I am discouraged. I’m 26 weeks pregnant and already have 2 painful hemorrhoids. Why is this happening to me? I
How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby

How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby

I will talk about preventative steps you can take to avoid circumstances that can danger your baby’s life or newborn's life.
What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

Je te parlerai plus spécifiquement de « la préparation affective à la naissance » qui trouve son origine dans l’haptonomie.
Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

My name is Anna, and I am getting tired of all these blood tests. I don’t like them, and I was wondering if I have