Category: 11-12 weeks pregnant

How do I prepare my older child for the arrival of our new baby?

How do I prepare my older child for the arrival of our new baby?

I am expecting my second baby and was wondering how I can prepare my eighteen-month-old son for the arrival of his brother or sister… When
11-12 Weeks Pregnant

11-12 Weeks Pregnant

Hello Parents! Yep, I’m back! At 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, I am starting to look like a little human. You’ll be surprised how cute I
Can I go downhill skiing during my pregnancy?

Can I go downhill skiing during my pregnancy?

I have been downhill skiing almost my whole life, and am an expert skier. But I am 13 weeks pregnant and everyone is saying I
Cytomegalovirus During Pregnancy

Cytomegalovirus During Pregnancy

La contaminatiA cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection between a mother and her baby is one of the most frequent viral infections during pregnancy.
Iron During Pregnancy

Iron During Pregnancy

Iron is an essential element to optimise the baby’s development and growth during pregnancy, and they get it from their mother.
Massage for Pregnant Woman

Massage for Pregnant Woman

Dans cette vidéo, une massothérapeute vous montre 5 mouvements de massage qui détendent les zones les plus sollicitées chez la femme enceinte.
I am starting my pregnancy and my libido is lower.

I am starting my pregnancy and my libido is lower.

Marie, I know that pregnancy changes a couple’s sexuality, but in my head, I really want to have sex, but my body isn’t responding, and
Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Do you know who Mrs. Bernadette de Gasquet is? If you don’t, I want to talk to you about this inspirational woman. To learn more,
Trisomy 21 Screening Tests

Trisomy 21 Screening Tests

Trisomy 21 (also called Down's Syndrome), 18 or 13 are different types of trisomy that refer to problems associated with chromosome configuration.
Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Massage Therapy and Naturopathy During Pregnancy

Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Massage Therapy and Naturopathy During Pregnancy

La rédaction de ce billet s’est faite en partenariat avec l'équipe du Centre Odyssée. What is interdisciplinarity? How can this way of working contribute to helping
Pregnancy and the dentist!

Pregnancy and the dentist!

Hello Marie! I am 30 weeks pregnant and I wanted to know if it’s okay to go to the dentist for a cleaning. Should I
I’m pregnant and really anxious!

I’m pregnant and really anxious!

I’m 15 weeks pregnant. I wanted this pregnancy, and I was happy that I became pregnant this soon, but now I am really anxious.