Category: 5-6 weeks pregnant

I am pregnant, which multivitamin to choose?

I am pregnant, which multivitamin to choose?

I just learned that I’m pregnant and my friend Joane said I should take pregnancy multivitamins, but I don’t know what to choose. Can you
Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

A friend told me I should wear gloves to garden in case cat stool is present. Is this true Marie? Gabrielle Your friend’s right! In
How can I manage hormonal changes?

How can I manage hormonal changes?

Marie, I have all sorts of questions about hormonal changes and was wondering how to deal with them without exploding the situation. Can you help?
Fertility treatments scare me!

Fertility treatments scare me!

Marie, my name is Amélie, and I am 30. I would like to have a baby with my husband. We have tried for a year,
Pregnancy Health Journal - Logbook

Pregnancy Health Journal – Logbook

Mom and dad, do you have questions? Are you struggling with many emotions at the same time? Are you scared of the unknown?  This pregnancy
Do you have suggestions on how I can increase my milk consumption while pregnant?

Do you have suggestions on how I can increase my milk consumption while pregnant?

Marie, my name is Charlotte, and I don’t know what to do because I don’t like drinking milk. Because I am pregnant, I try to
Why do beauty marks expand during pregnancy?

Why do beauty marks expand during pregnancy?

Hello Marie, I noted that my beauty marks have expanded during my pregnancy. Why? Will they go back to normal after I give birth? Thanks,
The Zika Virus Infection

The Zika Virus Infection

The Zika virus infection can be serious during pregnancy. While 80% of the population infected will never have specific symptoms.
The Transmission of the Zika Virus

The Transmission of the Zika Virus

The transmission of the Zika virus is generally via two species of infected mosquitos found in warm tropical climates.