Category: First trimester

Dad and Pregnancy

Dad and Pregnancy

Dad’s place during pregnancy and childbirth is important. Each father experiences the adventure differently.
What is a midwife’s role?

What is a midwife’s role?

Marie, I was wondering if it’s safe to be monitored by a midwife for my second baby. Is monitoring the same as with a doctor?
Can you tell me more about cytomegalovirus (CMV)?

Can you tell me more about cytomegalovirus (CMV)?

My doctor just told me that they wanted to take a blood test to see if I’m infected with cytomegalovirus.
Milkshake Recipes to Make into Popsicles

Milkshake Recipes to Make into Popsicles

To read the previous part, go to Advice to Increase your Daily Consumption of Dairy Products. The Grenadine ¾ cup (175ml) milk 1.5 cups (375ml)
Why take prenatal classes?

Why take prenatal classes?

Thanks to prenatal classes, parents feel more confident, as they’re dealing with fewer unknowns, are less scared.
I’m Going to be a Dad soon!

I’m Going to be a Dad soon!

My name is François and I will be a new dad soon. Even if I wanted the pregnancy, it was still a shock. Of course
Legal Aspects of Parenthood

Legal Aspects of Parenthood

Having a baby can raise legal questions about the rights and obligations of parents towards their child. For most people, legal jargon is hard to
Pregnant-no symptoms, is it normal?

Pregnant-no symptoms, is it normal?

Hello, I have a question for you! I am at the start of my pregnancy (5 weeks and 5 days). I wanted to know if
The Zika Virus Infection

The Zika Virus Infection

The Zika virus infection can be serious during pregnancy. While 80% of the population infected will never have specific symptoms.
The Transmission of the Zika Virus

The Transmission of the Zika Virus

The transmission of the Zika virus is generally via two species of infected mosquitos found in warm tropical climates.
Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

It is always nice to know what is happening to our bodies. In this article, I will describe changes that take place during pregnancy from
I am pregnant and have some bleeding. I am very tense, how can I relax?

I am pregnant and have some bleeding. I am very tense, how can I relax?

I am expecting my second baby and am 14 weeks pregnant. I had a bit of bleeding a couple of times, and I am so