Category: Postnatal

How to help a constipated baby

How to help a constipated baby

In this entry, I will provide you tips to help a constipated babybreast and bottle fed baby.
10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

Hello Parents, Are you a new or future parent? Congratulations! Here is a list of 10 things associated with the arrival of your baby. I
How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby

How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby

I will talk about preventative steps you can take to avoid circumstances that can danger your baby’s life or newborn's life.
Why should I heat my baby’s milk?

Why should I heat my baby’s milk?

Marie, my name is Chantal, and I was wondering why I always have to heat my baby’s milk. He is 2.5 months old, and sometimes
My baby doesn’t talk at all, he is yelling!

My baby doesn’t talk at all, he is yelling!

I'm writing to you because I'm a little worried. My baby doesn't talk at all. He is constantly yelling but doesn't say “mom” and “dad”.
Fathers and Breastfeeding

Fathers and Breastfeeding

We try to promote contact, closeness, the link with your baby after their birth. Create conditions for a close relationship between you and your young
How do I prepare my pet for the baby’s arrival?

How do I prepare my pet for the baby’s arrival?

I am 38 weeks pregnant and have had a cat at home for many years. He’s very gentle and has never hurt a child or
Daily Food Schedule

Daily Food Schedule

Un horaire d'une journée en alimentation peut grandement vous aider afin de planifier les repas et collations de bébé.
Storing Baby Purées

Storing Baby Purées

La conservation des purées de bébé comporte plusieurs contraintes. Voici les indications à suivre afin de vous assurer de bien la réussir.
How to Apply Mosquito Repellent Safely

How to Apply Mosquito Repellent Safely

To learn about different products on the market, go to Mosquito Repellent Products (Insecticides). Article updated on July, 2023. How can you apply mosquito repellent
The Risks of Baby-Led Weaning

The Risks of Baby-Led Weaning

What are the risks of baby-led weaning that should be considered when deciding how to feed your baby?
The Benefits of Natural Contraception Methods

The Benefits of Natural Contraception Methods

To learn more about natural contraception methods, go to the previous part, Natural Contraception Method Options. Pour connaître toutes les méthodes de contraception naturelles, consultez