Category: Postnatal

Constipation in a baby

Constipation in a baby

Constipation is an intestinal transit problem that rarely affects young babies, and it occurs more often after 6 months of life.
Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress

Choosing the Baby’s Bed and Mattress

It’s not easy to find the perfect crib (bassinet) and mattress for your baby! Given the wide range of choices available, this is normal. I
Can I heat bottles and meals in the microwave?

Can I heat bottles and meals in the microwave?

I reheat my seven-month-old baby’s bottle and meals in the microwave. A friend told me that I shouldn’t do this. Why? Sacha Good question, Sacha!
How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby

How to Prevent Emergency Situations with a Baby

I will talk about preventative steps you can take to avoid circumstances that can danger your baby’s life or newborn's life.
RESP: Plan your Child’s Future Now!

RESP: Plan your Child’s Future Now!

Hello Parents, Every parent wants to give the best to their child. A proper diet, care, psychological and social development, and also the best opportunities
What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?

What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?

My friend’s baby died in their sleep. Since then, I have difficulty sleeping because I am always thinking about my baby in the room beside
Preventing Eczema

Preventing Eczema

To learn more about eczema, go to Conditions Associated with Eczema. How can you prevent eczema? You can reduce the frequency and intensity of outbreaks
I’m returning to work and my baby won’t take the bottle

I’m returning to work and my baby won’t take the bottle

I’m going back to work in one month, and I am breastfeeding my baby. He hates bottles, and I am stressed. Have I waited too
Alcohol and Breastfeeding

Alcohol and Breastfeeding

Make sure you read the part about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). If you’re a mother who would like a glass of wine or beer
My daughter is scratching her head. Can I apply something to her scalp?

My daughter is scratching her head. Can I apply something to her scalp?

Marie, ma fille de 5 mois se gratte la tête depuis presque 10 jours. Elle tire et perd beaucoup de cheveux, elle a des croûtes
Mosquito Repellent Products (Insecticides)

Mosquito Repellent Products (Insecticides)

To learn more about repellents, go to How to Use a Repellent (or Insecticide) for Insects, Mosquitoes and Ticks. Article updated on July 2023. Insect
My Baby is a High Needs Baby

My Baby is a High Needs Baby

What is a High Needs Baby? What are his characteristics and here are some tips to deal with the situation.