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More than 180 videos covering all the stages of your pregnancy – before, during and after childbirth up to your baby’s 1st birthday;

Marie Fortier joins the Prenato team.

Prenato is a Quebec-based organization known for its specialized clinics in prenatal genetic screening, both through blood tests and ultrasound. As a result, I will continue to accompany you, surrounded by dedicated, passionate, and committed professionals who are devoted to families.

While maintaining my online presence on the platform, you will also be able to find me in person at various Prenato clinics. In line with the mission of the baby specialist, Marie Fortier, Prenato stands out with an approach that is innovative, comprehensive, and human-centered. Discover who Prenato is.

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Newborn discomforts

Newborn discomforts

Newborn conjunctivitis, seborrheic dermatitis (or cradle cap), bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, reflux and colic. Marie frequently saw these newborn ailments during
Dad and Pregnancy

Dad and Pregnancy

Dad’s place during pregnancy and childbirth is important. Each father experiences the adventure differently. Marie meets Laurent, who talks about
Osteopathy During Pregnancy

Osteopathy During Pregnancy

Osteopathy can help soothe pregnancy ailments. This alternative practice can help safely reduce discomfort for mother and baby. Marie, along
Bathing a Newborn

Bathing a Newborn

You might feel insecure giving a newborn a bath. Marie demonstrates a newborn bath massage with baby Romain. After watching

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Photo - Femme enceinte qui boit de la tisane aux feuilles de framboisier - tisane de framboisier pour les femmes enceintes et l'allaitement

Raspberry Herbal Tea and Pregnancy

To learn more about the characteristics of raspberry herbal tea, please see The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea. The use of raspberry herbal tea during
CMV Treatment and Prevention

CMV Treatment and Prevention

Approved vaccines to prevent the cytomegalovirus infection aren’t available, but vaccines are currently being tested.
Can my 12-month-old baby drink 2% milk?

Can my 12-month-old baby drink 2% milk?

Marie, at home we drink 2% milk, and my 12-month-old baby is eating well from all food groups. I was wondering if we can use
When to worry about your little one's language?

When to worry about your little one’s language?

When to worry about your little one's language? If you notice signs that raise questions, trust yourself as a parent.