Tag: Baby development

Baby-Led Weaning with Catherine Cusson

Baby-Led Weaning with Catherine Cusson

Baby-led weaning with Catherine Cusson, Occupational Therapist. A Facebook Live video with Catherine Cusson, an occupational therapist specialising in pediatrics for children from 0-2 years,
Breast Milk Storage Table

Breast Milk Storage Table

Combien de temps se conserve le lait maternel? Please consult my table for more information! Voyez mon tableau pour vous y retrouver! Do you always
Language development - from birth to one-year-old

Language development – from birth to one-year-old

Language evolves tremendously along your baby's first year of life. He expresses his needs, joy, desires, satisfaction, dissatisfaction.
Can a 5-month-old baby sulk his milk?  (video clip)

Can a 5-month-old baby sulk his milk? (video clip)

Hello Marie, finally the 40 oz didn't last long; as hard as I try, she doesn't like to drink. However, when I give her cereals,
Alcohol in a Homemade Recipe

Alcohol in a Homemade Recipe

I’m hosting friends for dinner, and I chose a recipe that requires a bit of red wine, and I was wondering if it’s fine given
Baby Development from 0-3 Months

Baby Development from 0-3 Months

De 0 à 3 mois, le sens du toucher est essentiel : tout va à la bouche. Le bébé aura de plus en plus d’intérêt pour
Need help to stop drinking?

Need help to stop drinking?

Did you read the part about Alcohol and Breastfeeding? I want to congratulate mothers who made an effort to avoid alcohol during pregnancy, both for