Tag: Breastfeeding

Can I add pumped milk to the milk in the fridge?

Can I add pumped milk to the milk in the fridge?

Hello Marie! This morning I pumped my milk but only got 2 ounces. I was told to put it in the fridge and to not
If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

If I use a breast shield, at some point will I be able to remove it?

I would like to know if I use a nipple shield with my 2-week old baby, at some point will I be able to remove
Nipple Shields or Nipple Protectors

Nipple Shields or Nipple Protectors

Do you have a nipple wound and it hurts? Flat nipples or a very strong ejection reflex? Nipple shields or nipple protectors are your solution
Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding, four specific situations : nipple pain, milk production, breastfeeding a premature baby and breastfeeding twins.
Can I eat everything when I breastfeed?

Can I eat everything when I breastfeed?

My name is Justine, and I was wondering if there are foods I shouldn’t eat when I breastfeed my baby. Thanks for all your information,
Can I take the pill while breastfeeding?

Can I take the pill while breastfeeding?

Marie, I gave birth three weeks ago, and I am scared of taking contraceptive pills because I worry it will harm my breastfeeding. Is there
When should I give solid foods to my baby?

When should I give solid foods to my baby?

Dear Marie, I am a mother of a four-year-old child. I just had my second, and all the directives for introducing solid foods have changed!
Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Did you just give birth and the baby is searching for your breast? Discover the first moments of breastfeeding with a breastfeeding consultant.
Treatments for Mycosis

Treatments for Mycosis

To learn more about mycosis, read the previous part, Fungal Infections and Breastfeeding (Mycosis). First, there are many treatments for mycosis. You can start with
Insufficient or Low Levels of Breast Milk

Insufficient or Low Levels of Breast Milk

In this entry, I will talk about the circumstances that might lead to low milk production.
What are breast milk banks for?

What are breast milk banks for?

Did you read the first part of this article, Donating Breast Milk and Milk Banks? Avez-vous lu la première partie de ce billet Le don
How can I prepare for breastfeeding?

How can I prepare for breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding can be learned and developed over time. Here is some advice to make sure you have the best chances for success.