Tag: Care for the baby

Baby Stool

Baby Stool

Marie answers your questions about baby stool. A broad topic that often concerns parents. What’s the consistency, colour and texture of baby stool?
Physical Exam of a Baby

Physical Exam of a Baby

Parents may not know how a newborn will physically look after birth, and it may worry them.
Why does my baby have a fungal infection (thrush)?

Why does my baby have a fungal infection (thrush)?

Marie, the nurse told me my baby has a fungal infection on his bottom. How did he get that? Isabelle Fungal infections, thrush, candidosis and
Walking Barefoot, with Slippers or with a Support Shoe?

Walking Barefoot, with Slippers or with a Support Shoe?

Without slippers, it’s great for a baby to feel things under their bare feet. It’s another way to reinforce their muscles.
Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Did you read the previous part about nevus simplex? Seborrheic dermatitis, also known as cradle cap, is widespread in infants. It looks like a yellowish
Should I give my baby 2% or 3.25% milk?

Should I give my baby 2% or 3.25% milk?

Marie, my baby is almost a year old, and I would like to give him 2% milk. Why do people keep telling me that I
My baby hasn’t regained their birth weight. Should I be worried?

My baby hasn’t regained their birth weight. Should I be worried?

My baby is one week old and has not regained its birth weight. The nurses seem to be really worried. I don’t feel secure.
Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

Do I need a special soap to wash my baby’s clothes?

I was wondering if I could wash my future baby’s clothing in the same wash I do for my own. Do I need special soap?
Five Characteristics of High Needs Babies

Five Characteristics of High Needs Babies

There are 5 characteristics of High Needs Babies. This entry presents each of the features in order to better understand High Needs Babies.
Postnatal Care for your Baby

Postnatal Care for your Baby

The nurse will also apply an antibiotic unguent in your baby’s eyes to prevent infections that can follow due to possible contamination
Why does my baby have pimples on his face?

Why does my baby have pimples on his face?

My baby has pimples all over his face, and I don’t know what to do. It’s weird, he doesn’t have any elsewhere, and his face
What are the criteria for becoming a breast milk donor?

What are the criteria for becoming a breast milk donor?

Did you read the first part, What are Breast Milk Banks Used For? Avez-vous lu la partie précédente À qui sert le lait maternel des