Tag: Infant

My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

My two-month-old baby seems to have an earache.

Marie, my two-month-old baby seems to have an earache. He twists and turns and complains a lot more. Is he teething? Is he just naturally
Origins of Food Allergies

Origins of Food Allergies

Most often food allergies result from combinations of genetics and environment.
Language development - from birth to one-year-old

Language development – from birth to one-year-old

Language evolves tremendously along your baby's first year of life. He expresses his needs, joy, desires, satisfaction, dissatisfaction.
How do I clean my breast pump?

How do I clean my breast pump?

Marie, I am breastfeeding my one-month-old baby, and I pump my milk to store it. I don’t really know how to properly wash my breast
What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

What does baby-led weaning, or BLW, mean?

Baby-led weaning, or BLW is a feeding method that consists of offering pieces of food to the baby early in life.
Conditions Associated with Eczema

Conditions Associated with Eczema

To learn more about eczema, go to Eczema and Babies. There are many conditions associated with eczema. Research seems to show a link between eczema
Products to Avoid During Teething

Products to Avoid During Teething

Did you read the previous part, How to Soothe a Teething Baby? Article updated in January 2023. Products to avoid during teething: Very important: it
Pacifiers and Bottle Nipples: Questions and Answers

Pacifiers and Bottle Nipples: Questions and Answers

The choice of using a pacifier or not leads to many questions. What is the best mode adapted to my baby? Should I use latex
What is a Food Allergy?

What is a Food Allergy?

We talk about food allergies when there is an inadequate and excessive immune response following contact with an ingredient in a food
Fungal Infections

Fungal Infections

Did you read the previous part about seborrheic dermatitis? Avez-vous lu la partie précédente sur la dermatite séborrhéique? When talking about fungal infections and babies,
Infant Motor Development

Infant Motor Development

In this article, I will talk more about baby motor development from birth to one year of age. The first yeat is a crucial stage.
Can I ask for a hearing screening test for my baby in the maternity ward?

Can I ask for a hearing screening test for my baby in the maternity ward?

Le bébé de mon amie a fait les tests à la naissance pour valider s’il entendait bien. Est-ce que je vais pouvoir le demander à