Tag: Pregnancy screening

The Impacts of Having a Baby that is Different

The Impacts of Having a Baby that is Different

If you haven’t already done so, read the previous part: Mourning a “Normal” Child. The arrival of a baby that is different in the lives
I am pregnant and have some bleeding. I am very tense, how can I relax?

I am pregnant and have some bleeding. I am very tense, how can I relax?

I am expecting my second baby and am 14 weeks pregnant. I had a bit of bleeding a couple of times, and I am so
I’m pregnant and have reflux. What can I take?

I’m pregnant and have reflux. What can I take?

Marie, I have gastric reflux that is frequently a real problem. I’m 24 weeks pregnant and have modified my diet, but nothing works. Help! What
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Stages

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Stages

Make sure you have read the article about In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) before continuing. Avant de poursuivre votre lecture, assurez-vous d'avoir pris connaissance du billet
Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

My name is Anna, and I am getting tired of all these blood tests. I don’t like them, and I was wondering if I have
21-22 Weeks Pregnant

21-22 Weeks Pregnant

Wow! Since I saw you during the ultrasound a week ago, I can’t stop thinking about my little girl! I want to prepare your bedroom;
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

Read the first part of this article: Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques. Lisez la première partie de ce billet ici : La procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) - Les
The Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Hypertension during Pregnancy

The Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Hypertension during Pregnancy

To learn about the characteristics of gestational hypertension, please read Defining Gestational Hypertension. Signs and symptoms of gestational hypertension are many during pregnancy. Other than
I don’t like being pregnant. Am I normal?

I don’t like being pregnant. Am I normal?

My name is Genevieve, and I am 23 weeks pregnant. I have to say that I don’t really like being pregnant. I feel like I
My baby ate soap!

My baby ate soap!

Marie, I had a horrible experience this week! My 11-month-old baby ate a massive amount of soap! I was freaked out, and then he vomited!
Skin Colour Changes During Pregnancy

Skin Colour Changes During Pregnancy

Did you read the first part of this article called Skin Problems during Pregnancy? These changes also include skin pigmentation, the pregnancy mask and the
Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Theme: Welcoming a Baby that is Different In this video broadcast on Sunday, March 4, 2018, and pre-recorded at CHU Sainte-Justine, I am accompanied by