Tag: Returning home

Returning Home After Childbirth

Returning Home After Childbirth

Giving birth and becoming parents changes lives. How can you get through this turbulent period?
Adapting to the return home with a newborn

Adapting to the return home with a newborn

How can you prepare for this event and help the transition go smoothly? How do you get the older brother and/or sister involved?
My baby has a flaccid arm

My baby has a flaccid arm

I gave birth 3 weeks ago, and find that my baby has one arm that is more flaccid than the other. When I raise it,
Attachment and Prematurity

Attachment and Prematurity

To learn more about neonatology, go to What should you expect if your baby is in the neonatal unit? (French only) Attachment to a premature
Does my baby have reflux?

Does my baby have reflux?

Marie, my baby always cries after feeding and the milk often comes back up, and he spray vomits sometimes. I’m worried he’s not getting enough
How do I clean my breast pump?

How do I clean my breast pump?

Marie, I am breastfeeding my one-month-old baby, and I pump my milk to store it. I don’t really know how to properly wash my breast
Parental authority...or what are my rights and obligations towards my child?

Parental authority…or what are my rights and obligations towards my child?

To learn about the legal aspects of parenthood, go to Legal Aspects of Parenthood. Parental authority…or what are my rights and obligations towards my child?
Manual or electric breast pump? Which one is the best?

Manual or electric breast pump? Which one is the best?

You can choose from so many types and models of manual or electric breast pump on the market that finding the most suitable one isn’t
Why would someone want to see an osteopath?

Why would someone want to see an osteopath?

To learn more about osteopathy, go to the next article: Osteopathy and Babies: Mother and Baby. Afin de mieux connaitre l'ostéopathie, dirigez-vous vers le billet
Thalasso Baby Bath® Care with Stéphanie  Houde

Thalasso Baby Bath® Care with Stéphanie Houde

A live video with Stéphanie Houde, ambassador for Thalasso Baby Bath®. Discover this therapy, its benefits for newborns and how it works.
Demystifying Baby Sleep from Birth to One Year

Demystifying Baby Sleep from Birth to One Year

After childbirth, a baby’s sleep is influenced by breastfeeding, light, background sounds, body temperature and the world’s stimuli.
How can I avoid back pain with a baby?

How can I avoid back pain with a baby?

Marie, my baby is almost 4 months old, and I have a lot of back pain. I was wondering if you can suggest practical things