Tag: Returning home

My baby always wants to breastfeed!

My baby always wants to breastfeed!

I have been breastfeeding my baby Jérémie since he was born, and he will turn 6 weeks old tomorrow. He always wants to breastfeed from
My baby hasn’t regained their birth weight. Should I be worried?

My baby hasn’t regained their birth weight. Should I be worried?

My baby is one week old and has not regained its birth weight. The nurses seem to be really worried. I don’t feel secure.
Baby’s Colour After Childbirth

Baby’s Colour After Childbirth

When a baby is born they may seem bluish. Or their skin may be very white, almost discoloured. This can scare parents. But don’t worry,
How to choose a baby carrier for babywearing?

How to choose a baby carrier for babywearing?

Marie, someone offered to buy me a stomach baby carrier as a baby shower gift. I like the idea, but she wants to know which
How do I bathe my baby?

How do I bathe my baby?

Marie, I’m anxious, as I have never handled a newborn, and I will give birth to one soon! I know I will want to help
Mourning a “Normal” Child

Mourning a “Normal” Child

Did you read the previous part, An Experience of a Lifetime? Experiencing the arrival of a baby that is different in life is facing a
Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Date : 23 avril 2017 Theme: Perinatal depression with Nathalie Parent, Psychologist (video available in French only) Facebook Live video with Nathalie Parent, a psychologist and
Factors that influence a baby’s weight gain

Factors that influence a baby’s weight gain

This entry aims at explaining the factors that influence weight gain in newborn. The factors are the following...
Baby Massages

Baby Massages

Do you want to massage your baby but don’t know where to start? In this video, a teacher, will show you how to practice.
Manual or electric breast pump? Which one is the best?

Manual or electric breast pump? Which one is the best?

You can choose from so many types and models of manual or electric breast pump on the market that finding the most suitable one isn’t
My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

Question from a mother: My baby has severe reflux. The only way to get them to sleep is to rock them because the movement prevents
Can you talk about RESPs for my child’s future education?

Can you talk about RESPs for my child’s future education?

Marie, I heard that we can save money a bit at a time to pay for our baby’s education. I don’t know anything about RESPs.