Tag: Returning home

My thoughts these days are about animal management

My thoughts these days are about animal management

Read Chantal's previous story, Tick-tock…Anguish as time passes both too slowly and too quickly… Lisez le récit précédent de Chantal en consultant Les tics et
Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Comment se passent les heures après l'accouchement? Quels sont les changements qui vont s'opérer dans votre corps?
Babywearing: Installing a Wrap

Babywearing: Installing a Wrap

There are many benefits of babywearing for both parents and babies. There are many babywearing options, including woven wraps. In this video, Catherine, shows you
Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival

Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival

Parents, it is clear that the birth of a child changes your life and requires you adapt to a complex process that is influenced by
Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth

Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth

Hello Everyone, I often get questions about scalp changes and hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth. In this article: Hair loss during pregnancy and
Baby Wearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor

Baby Wearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor

Date: November 27, 2016 Theme: Babywearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor Facebook Live video with Émilie Tanné, a babywearing monitor. In this video, Marie and
Baby Stool

Baby Stool

Updated article : October, 2023. Dear Parents, What discoveries you will make in your baby’s diaper! It’s incredible what we can find for such a
Weight Gain in Newborn

Weight Gain in Newborn

Ideally, a baby should have regained their birth weight within two weeks after birth.
Things to Help Baby Reflux

Things to Help Baby Reflux

Updated article : October, 2023. A few things you can do to soothe baby reflux: Feed more frequently but less each time; Inclined positioning during
How do I clean my breast pump?

How do I clean my breast pump?

Marie, I am breastfeeding my one-month-old baby, and I pump my milk to store it. I don’t really know how to properly wash my breast
When will my episiotomy would heal?

When will my episiotomy would heal?

I gave birth 3 weeks ago and was wondering when my episiotomy wound will fully heal? Thanks for your help! Audrey-Anne Excellent question, Audrey-Anne. In
The annoucnement that changed everything - two babies

The annoucnement that changed everything – two babies

"Do you want to see your baby?" I wasn't expecting that. I was at the end of my first monitoring appointment with my spouse. I