Tag: Video capsules

How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

When and how do you measure your chest? During pregnancy and then when breastfeeding, your thoracic cage expands and your morphology changes. In this capsule
How to properly swathe a baby

How to properly swathe a baby

In this video capsule, I show you a technique to swaddle a baby. For more information, please watch these videos: Baby Massages How to Measure
Baby’s Colour After Childbirth

Baby’s Colour After Childbirth

When a baby is born they may seem bluish. Or their skin may be very white, almost discoloured. This can scare parents. But don’t worry,
Stomach Massages for Babies

Stomach Massages for Babies

A proper massage of a baby’s stomach can help release their gases and soothe them at the same time. Do you know how to do
Bleeding at the start of pregnancy

Bleeding at the start of pregnancy

I know many pregnant women are scared when they have bleeding during pregnancy, but it is not always negative. In this short video I talk
Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Do you know who Mrs. Bernadette de Gasquet is? If you don’t, I want to talk to you about this inspirational woman. To learn more,