Category: Videos for members only

My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby started sucking his thumb. Should I give a pacifier? I was told that thumb sucking can create a dependency and cause dental problems.


Contractions scare many pregnant women. How to identify and calculate them?
The Bottle

The Bottle

Would you like to give your baby a bottle but don’t know where to start? Marie meets with a nutritionist to give you suggestions.
Can I use sunscreen on my five-month-old baby?

Can I use sunscreen on my five-month-old baby?

It is important to protect your baby from the sun. There are ways you can make sure the sun doesn’t damage their fragile skin. Let’s
My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

Question from a mother: My baby has severe reflux. The only way to get them to sleep is to rock them because the movement prevents
Perinatal Depression

Perinatal Depression

What are the depression signs, potential causes and how to get over it?


I welcome Dr. Carranza, a reproductive and fertility endocrinologist who has been working for almost ten years with couples having fertility issues.
Pregnant-no symptoms, is it normal?

Pregnant-no symptoms, is it normal?

Hello, I have a question for you! I am at the start of my pregnancy (5 weeks and 5 days). I wanted to know if
Being Pregnant

Being Pregnant

You just learned you are pregnant. You have questions about the changes that will take place during the pregnancy?
Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is all the muscles that you need during pregnancy and childbirth. How can you prepare this structure during pregnancy?
Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Pregnant or breastfeeding women can care for certain physical and emotional issues with approved natural or homeopathic products.
Newborn discomforts

Newborn discomforts

Newborn conjunctivitis, bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, reflux and colic. Marie frequently saw these newborn ailments.