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More than 180 videos covering all the stages of your pregnancy – before, during and after childbirth up to your baby’s 1st birthday;

Marie Fortier joins the Prenato team.

Prenato is a Quebec-based organization known for its specialized clinics in prenatal genetic screening, both through blood tests and ultrasound. As a result, I will continue to accompany you, surrounded by dedicated, passionate, and committed professionals who are devoted to families.

While maintaining my online presence on the platform, you will also be able to find me in person at various Prenato clinics. In line with the mission of the baby specialist, Marie Fortier, Prenato stands out with an approach that is innovative, comprehensive, and human-centered. Discover who Prenato is.

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Newborn discomforts

Newborn discomforts

Newborn conjunctivitis, seborrheic dermatitis (or cradle cap), bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, reflux and colic. Marie frequently saw these newborn ailments during
Sexuality and Pregnancy

Sexuality and Pregnancy

Can having sex at the start of pregnancy cause a miscarriage? When your stomach is sticking out, how can you
Physical Exam of a Baby

Physical Exam of a Baby

Parents may not know how a newborn will physically look after birth, and it may worry them. Marie does a
Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy

Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy

As a future mother, you want to do your best to promote the proper development of your baby. Here are

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Breast Engorgement During Breastfeeding

Breast Engorgement During Breastfeeding

Before talking about breast engorgement solutions, I would like to define engorgement. There are two types: vascular and late.
Premature Baby Development

Premature Baby Development

To learn more about the return home, read Returning Home with the Baby. Updated article : October, 2023. When parents have a premature baby, they
Is there arsenic in baby cereal?

Is there arsenic in baby cereal?

Marie, I heard someone say that there is arsenic in baby cereal. This worries me...
The Needs of New Mothers

The Needs of New Mothers

Hello Everyone, The postnatal period is another stage in the parenthood continuum. You carry your baby, give birth to it, then you breastfeed it and