Photo - bébé allaité meilleur tire lait

Hospital-grade electric breast pump (rental)

To read the previous section, follow the link : Electric breast pump

Photo - Tire-lait électrique de grade professionnel (en location) Symphony de MedelaWhen a mom needs to initiate her milk supply or to receive greater breast stimulation than store‑bought pumps provide, she can rent a hospital‑grade double electric breast pump. Hospitals use these devices to initiate the nursing process for premature infants or babies unable to breastfeed. These pumps are very expensive. That’s why people rent them or borrow them from maternity wards. Some parents may borrow a pump from a community organization or they may have to rent a pump for a specific period of time to enhance their chances of success in encouraging milk production.

So, I think that I’ve covered the various kinds of breast pumps and the questions you may ask so you can choose the most appropriate one for you.

But a word of caution: an inferior quality electric pump may not extract milk better than a good manual pump. If you try to express your milk and nothing comes out, make sure you’re using the right tool. Often, you and your milk supply are not the problem; the pump just isn’t working properly. Bear in mind that a poor quality breast pump may not help. It may injure you and compromise breastfeeding.

Using a second‑hand breast pump

Health Canada regards breast pumps as medical devices for personal use. They are not meant to be shared among moms. Only professional‑grade breast pumps are designed for the purpose, providing the mom has her own personal tubing.
Take care and all the best!

The babies specialist

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