Nevus Simplex


Did you read the first part of this article, Five Common Baby Skin Conditions?

Nevus simplex, also known as salmon patch, is a vascular lesion (meaning it affects blood vessels) that is very common in infants. It affects 30-40% of babies. This irregular red patch is often first noted when the baby has hair. When the patch affects the forehead, it’s commonly called an angel kiss, and on the back of the next, the stork bite. Even if sometimes this patch is impressive to see, nevus simplex usually is isolated and not associated with other possible problems, so don’t worry!

For more information and details about spots on a baby’s skin, such as hemangioma, port-wine stains and dermic melanosis (Mongolian spot), consult the links below:


  • Nevus simplex is a red patch that results from capillary malformations or an increase in the small superficial blood vessels in the skin.
  • This capillary malformation is isolated, so it is not related to other baby malformations.


  • 95% of facial nevus simplex diminish over the first two years, so there are no necessary treatments.
  • Nevus simplex on the neck will persist for more extended periods and may be permanent. Since hair covers this region, it will not have an esthetic impact.
  • During panic attacks or physical exertion, the patch may deepen in colour as their circulation increases.  

Le naevus simplex     Le naevus simplex

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Continue reading with Seborrheic Dermatitis.

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