Category: 5-6 weeks pregnant

Do you have any recipes for virgin drinks?

Do you have any recipes for virgin drinks?

Marie, the Holidays are approaching, and I know I can’t drink alcohol during my pregnancy. Can you suggest some interesting mixes I can drink during
Can I use artificial sweeteners during pregnancy?

Can I use artificial sweeteners during pregnancy?

Marie, I have a serious sweet tooth and am 9 weeks pregnant. I am worried because I don’t want to develop pregnancy diabetes if I
Sources of Folic Acid (Folates)

Sources of Folic Acid (Folates)

To read the first part of this article, go to Vitamins and Folic Acid. Pour lire la première partie de ce billet, accédez au billet Vitamines
How can I relieve my back pain during pregnancy?

How can I relieve my back pain during pregnancy?

I have severe back pain and it’s really bothering me. I don’t know what to do. I know I can’t take anti-inflammatories...I am 26 weeks
5-6 Weeks Pregnant

5-6 Weeks Pregnant

Hello Mom and Dad! I’m still really tiny, but totally alive, floating in my pool! My brain is developing, and I am starting to grow
The Zika Virus Infection

The Zika Virus Infection

The Zika virus infection can be serious during pregnancy. While 80% of the population infected will never have specific symptoms.
What to do if nothing works?

What to do if nothing works?

To read the previous part, go to How can you increase your likelihood of conceiving? Pour lire la partie qui précède, consultez Quoi faire pour vous
I need information about 5th disease

I need information about 5th disease

Fifth disease is an infection that frequently occurs in young children, often between 4-10 years of age. It’s associated with a virus called parvovirus B19.
Pharmacology and Maternity

Pharmacology and Maternity

Date : 10 décembre 2017 Theme: Pharmacology and Maternity Pregnancy is a time in life where it’s essential to take medications and products that are adapted
Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

Why all these blood tests during pregnancy?

My name is Anna, and I am getting tired of all these blood tests. I don’t like them, and I was wondering if I have
Ha! Those charming hormones!

Ha! Those charming hormones!

All pregnant women go through hormonal transformations necessary for the proper course of pregnancy. Hormones = Pregnancy However, the hormone rate can vary from one
Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

Is cat stool dangerous for my pregnancy?

A friend told me I should wear gloves to garden in case cat stool is present. Is this true Marie? Gabrielle Your friend’s right! In