Category: Third trimester

Photo - Femme enceinte qui boit de la tisane aux feuilles de framboisier - tisane de framboisier pour les femmes enceintes et l'allaitement

Raspberry Herbal Tea and Pregnancy

To learn more about the characteristics of raspberry herbal tea, please see The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea. The use of raspberry herbal tea during
The Physiology of Pregnancy and Childbirth

The Physiology of Pregnancy and Childbirth

Hello Parents! To illustrate what Dr. de Gasquet talks about, I want to examine the importance of the pelvis and breathing for pregnant women and
How can I relieve the baby’s pressure in my pelvis?

How can I relieve the baby’s pressure in my pelvis?

Marie, I have a baby in my pelvis that places a lot of weight on my pubic symphysis. I feel like the baby will pop
The 3rd Trimester - Last Sprint!

The 3rd Trimester – Last Sprint!

To read Melissa’s previous article, go to The 2nd Trimester – Let’s Go! Pour lire le billet précédent de Mélissa, rendez‑vous à Le 2e trimestre


If you are having a multiple pregnancy, this video will help you prepare before the arrival of your twins.
The baby isn’t moving as much...

The baby isn’t moving as much…

I feel that my baby is moving less and I’m worried because I like it when they move around. How can I know if they
How are Disposable Diapers Made?

How are Disposable Diapers Made?

To read the start of the article, go to Characteristics of Disposable Diapers and Wipes. There are three different parts to a disposable diaper. The
My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby started sucking his thumb. Should I give a pacifier? I was told that thumb sucking can create a dependency and cause dental problems.
Baby Congestion

Baby Congestion

Does your baby have difficulty breathing and breastfeeding at the same time because their nose is stuffed? You don’t know what to do to clear
Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy

Mobility of Pregnant Women During Pregnancy

Make no mistake pregnant women, one day you will have difficulty bending over! This is due to your baby growing inside your warm uterus. Do
Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth

Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth

Hello Everyone, I often get questions about scalp changes and hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth. In this article: Hair loss during pregnancy and
How can I donate my breast milk?

How can I donate my breast milk?

Marie, I would like to donate my breast milk for needy babies. I have tons of milk, and I have an easy time extracting it.