Category: 37-38 weeks pregnant

What is stripping?

What is stripping?

Marie, my doctor talked about stripping my membrane to help start my labour. Does it hurt, and does it work all the time? Membrane stripping
How can I donate my breast milk?

How can I donate my breast milk?

Marie, I would like to donate my breast milk for needy babies. I have tons of milk, and I have an easy time extracting it.
37-38 Weeks Pregnant

37-38 Weeks Pregnant

Marie Fortier, the baby expert, presents in an original way the point of view of mom at the 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.
Do you have suggestions to avoid being induced?

Do you have suggestions to avoid being induced?

Marie, my doctor wants to induce me next week to start my labour, but I would prefer that it occur naturally. Do you have any
Lifting a car seat

Lifting a car seat

Do you know how to lift a baby carrier without throwing out your back? In this video, I show you a simple way to lift
The week of long hours...We don’t control baby Émile!

The week of long hours…We don’t control baby Émile!

If you would like to read the previous article, go to Epi-mom and Santa Clause. Si vous souhaitez lire le billet précédent, accédez à Épi-maman et
The Calming Dance

The Calming Dance

Your baby is inconsolable, and you’ve tried everything. Have you tried the calming dance?
Photo - Femme enceinte qui boit de la tisane aux feuilles de framboisier - tisane de framboisier pour les femmes enceintes et l'allaitement

Raspberry Herbal Tea and Pregnancy

To learn more about the characteristics of raspberry herbal tea, please see The Mysteries of Raspberry Herbal Tea. The use of raspberry herbal tea during
I passed 37 weeks!

I passed 37 weeks!

To read the previous part of this story, go to We are hard on mothers (and future mothers). Pour lire la partie précédente de ce
My two-month-old baby doesn’t sleep a lot during the day!

My two-month-old baby doesn’t sleep a lot during the day!

During the day my baby doesn’t sleep a lot. It’s like she’s fighting sleep… which means I don’t get a lot of breaks!
Motor Development From 0-12 Months with Cynthia Fontaine, Physiotherapist (Live Video)

Motor Development From 0-12 Months with Cynthia Fontaine, Physiotherapist (Live Video)

Marie welcomes a physiotherapist. They divided the presentation into trimesters to suggest activities and toys adapted to each stage from 0-12 months.
How to reduce a baby's cough?

How to reduce a baby’s cough?

Question from a mother: I have a question for you! Benjamin has been sick since Friday. His nose is runny, and he coughs a lot!