Category: Questions/answers

How can I learn to become a father?

How can I learn to become a father?

I just learned that I will be a father, and I can’t really believe it because life hasn’t really changed much. I am the first
I’m pregnant and really anxious!

I’m pregnant and really anxious!

I’m 15 weeks pregnant. I wanted this pregnancy, and I was happy that I became pregnant this soon, but now I am really anxious.
What should I do if my baby chokes or stops breathing?

What should I do if my baby chokes or stops breathing?

I will be giving birth soon, and I am scared about returning home because I don’t know what to do if my baby chokes or
How can I deal with my smoking addiction?

How can I deal with my smoking addiction?

Did you read the section about tobacco and breastfeeding? The pregnancy period for women is a time in life where they’re open to and made
I am at 41 weeks and still nothing!

I am at 41 weeks and still nothing!

Read the previous part of this story, I am at 40 weeks tomorrow. Dear Parents, I am at 41 weeks and still nothing. Yesterday we
Can I eat wild game during pregnancy?

Can I eat wild game during pregnancy?

I am two months pregnant and just learned that I ate wild game. My husband is a hunter, and we are always eating deer or
When pregnant do I need to wear support socks?

When pregnant do I need to wear support socks?

I am 16 weeks pregnant, and my legs are already swollen. My mother told me to wear support socks to help, but is it a
Do you have any references for choosing a name for a baby?

Do you have any references for choosing a name for a baby?

Marie, I know you are in contact with many families and babies, and I was wondering if Adeline is a name frequently given to a
Should I try a VBAC?

Should I try a VBAC?

I am 23 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I had a caesarean section for my first baby during labour, and now I have to
Finding a Name for Baby

Finding a Name for Baby

Hello parents! Finding a name for your future baby requires thought and discussion as a couple. You will have to repeat the name for the
How much coffee during pregnancy?

How much coffee during pregnancy?

Are you one of those people who need your cup of coffee in the morning, and dread having to give it up now that you're
What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

Je te parlerai plus spécifiquement de « la préparation affective à la naissance » qui trouve son origine dans l’haptonomie.