Category: Your questions

My baby cries intensely for two hours every night!

My baby cries intensely for two hours every night!

Marie, I’m fed up! My baby cries intensely for two hours every night. He’ll give us a break from time to time, but after his
How to help your baby's language from birth to one-year-old?

How to help your baby’s language from birth to one-year-old?

Here are some tips to help your baby develop language, vocabulary and pronunciation. Speak to your baby using short, but correct sentences.
Can I give goat milk to my baby?

Can I give goat milk to my baby?

I would like to give goat milk to my 9-month-old baby, but my mother said I can’t and that I have to use cow milk.
Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

Is there a dance to calm crying babies?

The baby cries a lot at night, and I don’t know what to do! Someone talked to me about a type of dance, but I
I am having contractions several times a day.

I am having contractions several times a day.

Marie, I am 30 weeks pregnant and having contractions several times a day, especially when I stand up. Is this normal? Thanks for your help,
I feel incompetent caring for my baby!

I feel incompetent caring for my baby!

Marie, I had my baby three weeks ago, and still feel incompetence in managing the arrival of a baby in our life. I was wondering
How do I bathe my baby?

How do I bathe my baby?

Marie, I’m anxious, as I have never handled a newborn, and I will give birth to one soon! I know I will want to help
How can I deal with my smoking addiction?

How can I deal with my smoking addiction?

Did you read the section about tobacco and breastfeeding? The pregnancy period for women is a time in life where they’re open to and made
How can I prevent my baby from getting an infection?

How can I prevent my baby from getting an infection?

My son just started daycare 2 days a week, as he is already 9 months old. This morning when I took him there, I heard
What purpose do a baby’s fontanelles on their head have?

What purpose do a baby’s fontanelles on their head have?

Updated article on October 16th, 2019. I saw a soft hole on my baby’s head. I know it’s normal, but I wanted to see if
Baby’s crooked legs and feet – is it normal ?

Baby’s crooked legs and feet – is it normal ?

Parents are worried about the fact that their little treasure’s legs are arched, and their feet point inside.
My breasts melted away after breastfeeding. Will they go back to the way they were?

My breasts melted away after breastfeeding. Will they go back to the way they were?

Hello Marie, I breastfed my baby for several months. But since I stopped breastfeeding, my breasts have melted away. I have lost a lot of