Category: Second trimester

Transporting Breast Milk

Transporting Breast Milk

Did you read the previous part, How to Donate Breast Milk? Avez-vous lu la partie précédente sur Comment faire un don de lait maternel? There
What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

What is haptonomy and the affective preparation for birth?

L’haptonomie c’est l’ensemble des règles qui régissent le domaine du toucher affectif, on parle aussi de « Science de l’affectivité ».
Personal Wellbeing

Personal Wellbeing

To promote your wellbeing during pregnancy, read A Healthy Mind and Body During Pregnancy. Pour favoriser votre bien-être durant la grossesse, lisez le billet, Bien
I don’t feel my baby move in my stomach. Is this normal?

I don’t feel my baby move in my stomach. Is this normal?

Even if the baby moves, often the mother will think that what she’s feeling is bloating or gas rather than the baby.
Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Do you know who Mrs. Bernadette de Gasquet is? If you don’t, I want to talk to you about this inspirational woman. To learn more,
Advice from Paint Pros

Advice from Paint Pros

To learn more about oils, see the previous entry Now Oils! Here's some advice from our painting pros: Even if water-based products are permitted during
Urinary Incontinence: Pregnancy and the Postnatal Period

Urinary Incontinence: Pregnancy and the Postnatal Period

Hello, Moms! I know it’s not easy having to pee all the time from the start of your pregnancy. Has anyone ever told you why?
The main causes of a weakening of a pregnant woman’s the pelvic floor

The main causes of a weakening of a pregnant woman’s the pelvic floor

To read the start of the article, go to Strengthening the Pelvic Floor (in french). In this article, the leading causes of a weakening of
Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Date : 6 novembre 2016 Thème : Live Facebook video with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant Marie and Line answer questions about breastfeeding from internet users. The
Defining Gestational Hypertension

Defining Gestational Hypertension

To learn more about high blood pressure, read Pregnancy and High Blood Pressure. Article updated on June 1, 2023. By definition, gestational hypertension is one
Do you have any references for choosing a name for a baby?

Do you have any references for choosing a name for a baby?

Marie, I know you are in contact with many families and babies, and I was wondering if Adeline is a name frequently given to a
21-22 Weeks Pregnant

21-22 Weeks Pregnant

Wow! Since I saw you during the ultrasound a week ago, I can’t stop thinking about my little girl! I want to prepare your bedroom;