Category: Postnatal

When fungal infections arrive!

When fungal infections arrive!

When we talk about thrush, candidiasis, mycosis, or yeast, we are always talking about fungi. You will often hear about a baby with thrush or
Language development - from birth to one-year-old

Language development – from birth to one-year-old

Language evolves tremendously along your baby's first year of life. He expresses his needs, joy, desires, satisfaction, dissatisfaction.
What is prematurity?

What is prematurity?

Hello Parents, I have been planning on writing about prematurity for several weeks now. This theme is very important when planning and preparing for the
My Baby is a High Needs Baby

My Baby is a High Needs Baby

What is a High Needs Baby? What are his characteristics and here are some tips to deal with the situation.
Photo - Quoi savoir avant de percer les oreilles de bébé? Taille du lobe d'oreille de bébé

What should you know before piercing your baby’s ears?

Hello Parents, I finally took the time to do research on today’s topic, which is piercing a baby’s ears. Once again, many of you have
How can I pump my milk if my baby feeds every three hours?

How can I pump my milk if my baby feeds every three hours?

My 3-week-old baby feeds well every three hours, and I would like to store my milk so that my partner can give a bottle from
“Baby Welcome!” Travelling

“Baby Welcome!” Travelling

Hello Parents! I would like to talk to parent travellers or those who want to become parent travellers with the latest addition to your family.
Storing Baby Purées

Storing Baby Purées

La conservation des purées de bébé comporte plusieurs contraintes. Voici les indications à suivre afin de vous assurer de bien la réussir.
Mosquito Repellent Products (Insecticides)

Mosquito Repellent Products (Insecticides)

To learn more about repellents, go to How to Use a Repellent (or Insecticide) for Insects, Mosquitoes and Ticks. Article updated on July 2023. Insect
Developing language from 0 to 1 year old: the required communication skills

Developing language from 0 to 1 year old: the required communication skills

Each baby has its own rhythm of evolution in his growth. Even if your baby doesn't talk really well compared to other children around you
Is it possible to lack breast milk when breastfeeding my baby?

Is it possible to lack breast milk when breastfeeding my baby?

My baby wants to breastfeed all the time like they are never satisfied! I think my milk isn’t nourishing enough for him. What should I
What can I do if my ejection reflex is too strong?

What can I do if my ejection reflex is too strong?

Hello Marie, what can I do if my ejection reflex is too strong? My baby is 11 weeks old and has difficulty almost every time