Category: Health advice

Baby at 28 weeks of gestation!

Baby at 28 weeks of gestation!

Hello! I’m here and have been in your tummy for 28 weeks. You often wonder how I am doing, so I wanted to tell you
CMV Diagnosis and Symptoms

CMV Diagnosis and Symptoms

How do you know if you’re already infected with cytomegalovirus? Unfortunately, no very precise screening tests exist.
I want to become pregnant. Do I need to take vitamins and folic acid?

I want to become pregnant. Do I need to take vitamins and folic acid?

Marie, my friend said I should take vitamins and folic acid even before my pregnancy to prevent certain illnesses in the baby. Is she right?
Can I eat thyme or rosemary while pregnant?

Can I eat thyme or rosemary while pregnant?

My name is Maxime, and I love thyme and rosemary. On some websites, I read that these herbs can be neurotoxic. Is this true? I
A Mother’s Needs During Labour and Delivery

A Mother’s Needs During Labour and Delivery

Hello Parents, Each person has different needs when giving birth to a baby. However, during my work in the maternity ward, I noted three needs
CMV Treatment and Prevention

CMV Treatment and Prevention

Approved vaccines to prevent the cytomegalovirus infection aren’t available, but vaccines are currently being tested.
The Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Hypertension during Pregnancy

The Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Hypertension during Pregnancy

To learn about the characteristics of gestational hypertension, please read Defining Gestational Hypertension. Signs and symptoms of gestational hypertension are many during pregnancy. Other than
The Main Causes of Premature Childbirth

The Main Causes of Premature Childbirth

To learn more about prematurity, go to What is Prematurity? In this article, I want to talk about the leading causes of premature childbirth. You
Baby/Child First-Aid Kit

Baby/Child First-Aid Kit

Here is a list of important items and numbers to put in your first-aid kit for your baby or your first-aid kit for your child.
10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

10 Things About Parenthood You Should Know

Hello Parents, Are you a new or future parent? Congratulations! Here is a list of 10 things associated with the arrival of your baby. I
Factors that Can Prevent Triggering Labour

Factors that Can Prevent Triggering Labour

To read the previous part, go to Induction. Updated article : February 2023. Many factors can prevent labour from starting. In this article, I want
Pregnancy and Travel

Pregnancy and Travel

Are you pregnant and want to go on a trip? Airline travel usually is safe for the mother and baby during pregnancy. However, travel during