Hello Moms!

The 1st trimester is over! Wow! I don’t know about you, but I have more confidence in this pregnancy thing, and I am starting to think that my baby is doing well, and everything will be better from now on. Finally, no more nausea! Thank goodness! 😊

I am thinking more and more about what type of mother I will be. I feel better physically, I have my libido again, and my partner is relieved to find me in better shape and a lot happier. He takes care of me, and I love it! He is also less scared about losing the baby now that the 1st trimester is over.

My uterus is slowly expanding, about the size of a grapefruit. I guess that’s why I am having more and more difficulty zipping up my pants! Ha! Time to go shopping!

Something new this week – my freckles are getting deeper! This is because pigmentation increases during pregnancy I read that somewhere, but now I’ve experienced it! 😊

Theoretically, my baby is moving around, but I haven’t felt it yet. What should I expect? My friend Genevieve told me that she started feeling her third baby at 16 weeks. I know that it’s longer for a first baby, so I will be patient and not worry! I am really looking forward to knowing the baby’s sex! Even if sometimes you can see if it’s a boy or girl during the nuchal translucency ultrasound, we chose to wait! I don’t know if I will resist the temptation. I guess only time will tell!

My fetus is formed, but nothing is fully mature. My placenta is feeding the baby, and it’s now about 10 cm long and weighs up to 110 grams.

Practical Advice:

  • Mom, if you have the flu or are congested, don’t wait for an infection to start. Take care of yourself – eat well and drink a lot, rest, use Hydrasens, Sinus Rinse, Tylenol (Atasol or acetaminophen), syrup or decongestants. Consult guides that tell you what medications you can take or ask your health professional for advice. You can take medications when pregnant, but not all types.
  • If you want to know your baby’s sex, ask during your ultrasound. However, if you’re going to wait for the surprise when they are born, say so when you get to the ultrasound room, before the start of the exam. The caregiver may blurt it out if they aren’t told you want to wait.

Here are some suggestions to learn more about what’s happening to you and to help you prepare for what’s coming.


Educational Tickets:

The Baby Expert

Share your experiences in the comments section.

Come back soon to read: My 15-16 weeks of pregnancy to learn more.

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