learning capsule

The educational videos presented inform you about pregnancy, childbirth, and life with a baby, up to 1 year after birth.

There are over 200 videos produced, more than a hundred featuring content experts from various fields related to perinatal care.

All these videos will answer your questions and address your concerns, guiding you through the discovery of parenthood at your own pace, according to your availability and needs.

Practical tips, advice, and evidence-based information are offered here to assist you in your role as future and new parents.

Enjoy watching!

Monthly subscription

Access to prenatal video courses for 1 month.

Quarterly subscription.

Access to prenatal video courses for 3 months.

Prenatal Period



If you are having a multiple pregnancy, this video will help you prepare before the arrival of your twins.


I welcome Dr. Carranza, a reproductive and fertility endocrinologist who has been working for almost ten years with couples having fertility issues.


Learning about prematurity doesn’t mean you will give birth prematurely. We want to help parents prepare for every eventuality.


Contractions scare many pregnant women. How to identify and calculate them?
Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is all the muscles that you need during pregnancy and childbirth. How can you prepare this structure during pregnancy?
Birthing room

Birthing room

Delivery rooms in hospitals have changed the way we experience the arrival of a baby. Take a guided tour...
Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Doing yoga during pregnancy is both possible and a great idea. Yoga can help reduce the intensity of pain during labour and delivery.
Being Pregnant

Being Pregnant

You just learned you are pregnant. You have questions about the changes that will take place during the pregnancy?
Washable Diapers

Washable Diapers

How can you sort through all the reusable diapers on the market? A consultant presents different options to help you choose.
Bathing a Newborn

Bathing a Newborn

You might feel insecure giving a newborn a bath. Marie demonstrates a newborn bath massage with baby Romain.
Dad and Pregnancy

Dad and Pregnancy

Dad’s place during pregnancy and childbirth is important. Each father experiences the adventure differently.
Breaking Your Water

Breaking Your Water

How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
Evolution of Labour

Evolution of Labour

What conditions are necessary for natural childbirth? Marie talks about them in clear terms. You will then be able to understand labour as it evolves towards birth. You will also
Newborn discomforts

Newborn discomforts

Newborn conjunctivitis, bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, reflux and colic. Marie frequently saw these newborn ailments.
Clearing the Airways

Clearing the Airways

How to know if your baby is at risk of choking or suffocating? A paramedic shows us how to clear a baby’s airways.
Perinatal Depression

Perinatal Depression

What are the depression signs, potential causes and how to get over it?
Pregnancy Monitoring

Pregnancy Monitoring

In this video Marie talks about pregnancy monitoring and the first appointment with a health professional.
The Midwife Profession

The Midwife Profession

A midwife talks about her profession. What’s her role during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of the baby?
Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Have you thought about aquafit classes during your pregnancy? Discover the benefits of this water-based physical activity with an expert in prenatal aquafitness.
Physical Exam of a Baby

Physical Exam of a Baby

Parents may not know how a newborn will physically look after birth, and it may worry them.
Sexuality and Pregnancy

Sexuality and Pregnancy

Can having sex at the start of pregnancy cause a miscarriage? When the baby arrives, how can you ensure you maintain your sexuality as a couple?
Acupuncture and Pregnancy

Acupuncture and Pregnancy

Did you know that acupuncture is a safe alternative practice during pregnancy and for the baby?
Massage for Pregnant Woman

Massage for Pregnant Woman

Dans cette vidéo, une massothérapeute vous montre 5 mouvements de massage qui détendent les zones les plus sollicitées chez la femme enceinte.
Osteopathy During Pregnancy

Osteopathy During Pregnancy

Osteopathy can help soothe pregnancy ailments. This alternative practice can help safely reduce discomfort for mother and baby.
Becoming a Parent and Anxiety

Becoming a Parent and Anxiety

The perinatal period is a time in life where there are often more signs of anxiety. What are the signs and how can you recognise them?
Domestic Animals and Pregnancy

Domestic Animals and Pregnancy

A veterinarian explains how to prepare your cat and dog for the arrival of your baby. You can do many things from the start of pregnancy.
Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Are you getting close to your delivery date? What signs indicate that you are slowing going into labour and delivery?
Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding, four specific situations : nipple pain, milk production, breastfeeding a premature baby and breastfeeding twins.
Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Theme: Welcoming a Baby that is Different In this video broadcast on Sunday, March 4, 2018, and pre-recorded at CHU Sainte-Justine, I am accompanied by Mrs. Stéphanie Santos, nurse coordinator,
Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy

Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy

Here are the most recent recommendations about diets, vitamin supplements and good lifestyle habits during pregnancy.
Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Pregnant or breastfeeding women can care for certain physical and emotional issues with approved natural or homeopathic products.
Preparing your Stay in the Hospital

Preparing your Stay in the Hospital

What is a birth plan? What are the signs that you will give birth soon? What will the medical staff do when you arrive?
Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

What happens during the first moments with your baby? How does the body prepare for breastfeeding?
Support During Pregnancy and delivery

Support During Pregnancy and delivery

The people accompanying a woman during labour must be ready for their roles. Julie Bonapace suggests things during childbirth.
Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Did you just give birth and the baby is searching for your breast? Discover the first moments of breastfeeding with a breastfeeding consultant.
Adapting to the return home with a newborn

Adapting to the return home with a newborn

How can you prepare for this event and help the transition go smoothly? How do you get the older brother and/or sister involved?
Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Do you know which medications are allowed during pregnancy? What can you take for nausea or headaches? What about a cold? If congested, can I use over the counter medication?
Pharmacology and Maternity

Pharmacology and Maternity

Date : 10 décembre 2017 Theme: Pharmacology and Maternity Pregnancy is a time in life where it’s essential to take medications and products that are adapted to your situation. You need
Being Active During and After Pregnancy

Being Active During and After Pregnancy

Date: March 11, 2018 Theme: Being active during and after pregnancy In this live video broadcast on Sunday, March 11, 2018, I talk with Catherine Germain, who is a kinesiologist
Dermatology for Babies and During Pregnancy

Dermatology for Babies and During Pregnancy

Date: March 25, 2018 Theme: Live video in French : Dermatology for Babies and During Pregnancy In this live video broadcast Sunday, March 25, 2018, I welcome Dr. Émilie Bourgeault,
Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Date : 23 avril 2017 Theme: Perinatal depression with Nathalie Parent, Psychologist (video available in French only) Facebook Live video with Nathalie Parent, a psychologist and author of Du post-partum à
Vaccinations with Christiane Dubreuil (live video)

Vaccinations with Christiane Dubreuil (live video)

Theme: Vaccinations with Christiane Dubreuil, Nurse Specialising in Vaccinations (in French only) Facebook Live video with Christiane Dubreuil, a nurse specialising in vaccinations at the Centre de vaccination Christiane Dubreuil.
The Pelvic Floor with Olivia Dubois, Physiotherapist

The Pelvic Floor with Olivia Dubois, Physiotherapist

Theme: The pelvic floor with Olivia Dubois, a physiotherapist specialising in perineal re-education Facebook Live video with Olivia Dubois, a physiotherapist who is finishing her doctorate at the Centre d’expertise
Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Date : 6 novembre 2016 Thème : Live Facebook video with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant Marie and Line answer questions about breastfeeding from internet users. The presentation deals with four main
Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Date : 27 novembre 2017 Theme: Adapting to a new baby in the family Having a baby is a significant event in a couple’s life. You have to learn about a
Support during Labour, Delivery and Returning Home (Live video in French)

Support during Labour, Delivery and Returning Home (Live video in French)

During labour, delivery and returning home, you will notice support from fathers is essential.
Couchettes short

Couchettes short

In this video capsule about crib bumpers, I will talk about protective padding for the crib’s bars. Why use them and when should they be installed? To learn more about
Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic Pregnancy

What is an ectopic, or extrauterine, pregnancy? Have you heard about it? Why does it happen? What are the signs? I explain everything in this short video. To learn more,
Length of pregnancies

Length of pregnancies

In this video I will explain how we calculate your pregnancy age and your likely delivery date.
Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Meet Bernadette de Gasquet

Do you know who Mrs. Bernadette de Gasquet is? If you don’t, I want to talk to you about this inspirational woman. To learn more, watch these videos: Childbirth in
Bleeding at the start of pregnancy

Bleeding at the start of pregnancy

I know many pregnant women are scared when they have bleeding during pregnancy, but it is not always negative. In this short video I talk to you about blood loss.
How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

When and how do you measure your chest? During pregnancy and then when breastfeeding, your thoracic cage expands and your morphology changes. In this capsule I show you how to
Pregnant-no symptoms, is it normal?

Pregnant-no symptoms, is it normal?

Hello, I have a question for you! I am at the start of my pregnancy (5 weeks and 5 days). I wanted to know if it’s normal that I still
I have strep-B - What should I expect?

I have strep-B – What should I expect?

Hello Marie, I am 37 weeks 2 days pregnant. After having a test last week, I just learned that I have strep-B. I saw my doctor, but do you have
Conceiving a 2nd Baby and Breastfeeding

Conceiving a 2nd Baby and Breastfeeding

Hello Marie, I am worried. My partner and I are trying to have a 2nd child because the birth of our first one went really well. No tearing, no cesarean,
I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

Hello Marie, I am pregnant 33 weeks five days pregnant with twin girls! Yesterday I had an ultrasound, and the girls are doing great. 5lbs for both. The doctor at
Is it normal that at 32 weeks pregnant I can feel the baby really low in my stomach?

Is it normal that at 32 weeks pregnant I can feel the baby really low in my stomach?

To watch all the videos about pregnancy and parenthood up to one year of age, sign up for $8.99 per month or $20.00 per three months. Question from a mother:
I don’t want to be induced. Are there natural things I can do to speed up my labour?

I don’t want to be induced. Are there natural things I can do to speed up my labour?

I have an appointment to be induced at 41 weeks, which I would like to avoid. Are there things I can do to speed up my labour naturally?

Childbirth Period



If you are having a multiple pregnancy, this video will help you prepare before the arrival of your twins.


Learning about prematurity doesn’t mean you will give birth prematurely. We want to help parents prepare for every eventuality.


Contractions scare many pregnant women. How to identify and calculate them?
Birthing room

Birthing room

Delivery rooms in hospitals have changed the way we experience the arrival of a baby. Take a guided tour...
Breaking Your Water

Breaking Your Water

How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
Evolution of Labour

Evolution of Labour

What conditions are necessary for natural childbirth? Marie talks about them in clear terms. You will then be able to understand labour as it evolves towards birth. You will also
The Bonapace method

The Bonapace method

The Bonapace Method can help you better understand the experience of labour and birth.
Caesarian deliveries

Caesarian deliveries

Some pregnancies end with a caesarean section. To prepare for this option, Marie meets with Dr. Guy Waddell.
Perinatal Depression

Perinatal Depression

What are the depression signs, potential causes and how to get over it?
Analgesics and Anesthetics

Analgesics and Anesthetics

During a hospital delivery, you will have the choice to relieve the pain of contractions with analgesics or anesthetics
Becoming a Parent and Anxiety

Becoming a Parent and Anxiety

The perinatal period is a time in life where there are often more signs of anxiety. What are the signs and how can you recognise them?
Childbirth in a Birthing Center

Childbirth in a Birthing Center

Marie attends the birth of Amy and Greg’s 4th child. The couple chose to give birth in a birthing home. They are accompanied by a midwife and doula. During the
Natural Methods for Pain Relief

Natural Methods for Pain Relief

Many tools and methods to soothe pain are available during childbirth.
Natural Childbirth in a Hospital

Natural Childbirth in a Hospital

Come will Marie and see the birth of Chantal and Joel’s second child, Léa. The couple chose to give birth naturally in a hospital delivery room. To learn more, watch
Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Are you getting close to your delivery date? What signs indicate that you are slowing going into labour and delivery?
Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding, four specific situations : nipple pain, milk production, breastfeeding a premature baby and breastfeeding twins.
Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Theme: Welcoming a Baby that is Different In this video broadcast on Sunday, March 4, 2018, and pre-recorded at CHU Sainte-Justine, I am accompanied by Mrs. Stéphanie Santos, nurse coordinator,
Preparing your Stay in the Hospital

Preparing your Stay in the Hospital

What is a birth plan? What are the signs that you will give birth soon? What will the medical staff do when you arrive?
Support During Pregnancy and delivery

Support During Pregnancy and delivery

The people accompanying a woman during labour must be ready for their roles. Julie Bonapace suggests things during childbirth.
Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Did you just give birth and the baby is searching for your breast? Discover the first moments of breastfeeding with a breastfeeding consultant.
Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Marie accompanies Karine and Jocelyn to the hospital for the birth of their second baby. During this birth, the doctor will induce labour. You will also see how an epidural
Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Date : 23 avril 2017 Theme: Perinatal depression with Nathalie Parent, Psychologist (video available in French only) Facebook Live video with Nathalie Parent, a psychologist and author of Du post-partum à
Support during Labour, Delivery and Returning Home (Live video in French)

Support during Labour, Delivery and Returning Home (Live video in French)

During labour, delivery and returning home, you will notice support from fathers is essential.

Baby/Parent Period



If you are having a multiple pregnancy, this video will help you prepare before the arrival of your twins.
The Bottle

The Bottle

Would you like to give your baby a bottle but don’t know where to start? Marie meets with a nutritionist to give you suggestions.
Baby Purees

Baby Purees

Marie Fortier welcomes Mélissa Labonté, a dietician and nutritionist, to talk about baby purees.


Learning about prematurity doesn’t mean you will give birth prematurely. We want to help parents prepare for every eventuality.
Baby's Sleep

Baby’s Sleep

Marie welcomes a specialised clinical nurse at the Clinique d’évaluation diagnostique des troubles du sommeil to talk about baby sleep from birth to one year of age.
Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is all the muscles that you need during pregnancy and childbirth. How can you prepare this structure during pregnancy?
Baby Massages

Baby Massages

Do you want to massage your baby but don’t know where to start? In this video, a teacher, will show you how to practice.
Washable Diapers

Washable Diapers

How can you sort through all the reusable diapers on the market? A consultant presents different options to help you choose.
Bathing a Newborn

Bathing a Newborn

You might feel insecure giving a newborn a bath. Marie demonstrates a newborn bath massage with baby Romain.
The Calming Dance

The Calming Dance

Your baby is inconsolable, and you’ve tried everything. Have you tried the calming dance?
Newborn discomforts

Newborn discomforts

Newborn conjunctivitis, bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, reflux and colic. Marie frequently saw these newborn ailments.
Osteopathy and baby

Osteopathy and baby

Osteopathy can help babies release tensions and strains after childbirth. Did you know you can do this in the water?
Clearing the Airways

Clearing the Airways

How to know if your baby is at risk of choking or suffocating? A paramedic shows us how to clear a baby’s airways.
Perinatal Depression

Perinatal Depression

What are the depression signs, potential causes and how to get over it?
Physical Exam of a Baby

Physical Exam of a Baby

Parents may not know how a newborn will physically look after birth, and it may worry them.
Becoming a Parent and Anxiety

Becoming a Parent and Anxiety

The perinatal period is a time in life where there are often more signs of anxiety. What are the signs and how can you recognise them?
Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding, four specific situations : nipple pain, milk production, breastfeeding a premature baby and breastfeeding twins.
Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Theme: Welcoming a Baby that is Different In this video broadcast on Sunday, March 4, 2018, and pre-recorded at CHU Sainte-Justine, I am accompanied by Mrs. Stéphanie Santos, nurse coordinator,
Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Pregnant or breastfeeding women can care for certain physical and emotional issues with approved natural or homeopathic products.
Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

What happens during the first moments with your baby? How does the body prepare for breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Breastfeeding : Living the first moments

Did you just give birth and the baby is searching for your breast? Discover the first moments of breastfeeding with a breastfeeding consultant.
Adapting to the return home with a newborn

Adapting to the return home with a newborn

How can you prepare for this event and help the transition go smoothly? How do you get the older brother and/or sister involved?
Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Do you know which medications are allowed during pregnancy? What can you take for nausea or headaches? What about a cold? If congested, can I use over the counter medication?
Baby Stool

Baby Stool

Marie answers your questions about baby stool. A broad topic that often concerns parents. What’s the consistency, colour and texture of baby stool?
Baby Ailments

Baby Ailments

Date : 16 octobre 2016 Theme: Baby Ailments Marie answers many questions about a range of topics live on Facebook. In this week’s video, she talks about the main baby
Preparing for Daycare

Preparing for Daycare

Date : 21 mai 2017 Theme: Preparing for Daycare with Marlène Carbonneau (french only) Facebook Live video with Marlène Carbonneau, president of the Alliance des Intervenantes en Milieu Familiale - Estrie.
Introducing Solid Foods

Introducing Solid Foods

In this week’s video, she talks about introducing solid foods to your baby. What age should you start?
Pharmacology and Maternity

Pharmacology and Maternity

Date : 10 décembre 2017 Theme: Pharmacology and Maternity Pregnancy is a time in life where it’s essential to take medications and products that are adapted to your situation. You need
Milk Intolerance and Allergies

Milk Intolerance and Allergies

Marie answers your questions about milk intolerances and allergies. How can you recognise an intolerance, and what should you do?
Returning to Work after Childbirth

Returning to Work after Childbirth

Date: June 26, 2016 Theme: Returning to work after childbirth (french only) Marie answers your questions about returning to work after childbirth. How can you ease the transition for mother
Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Comment se passent les heures après l'accouchement? Quels sont les changements qui vont s'opérer dans votre corps?
Baby-Led Weaning with Catherine Cusson

Baby-Led Weaning with Catherine Cusson

Baby-led weaning with Catherine Cusson, Occupational Therapist. A Facebook Live video with Catherine Cusson, an occupational therapist specialising in pediatrics for children from 0-2 years, focusing on breastfeeding and diet
Being Active During and After Pregnancy

Being Active During and After Pregnancy

Date: March 11, 2018 Theme: Being active during and after pregnancy In this live video broadcast on Sunday, March 11, 2018, I talk with Catherine Germain, who is a kinesiologist
Dermatology for Babies and During Pregnancy

Dermatology for Babies and During Pregnancy

Date: March 25, 2018 Theme: Live video in French : Dermatology for Babies and During Pregnancy In this live video broadcast Sunday, March 25, 2018, I welcome Dr. Émilie Bourgeault,
Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Date : 23 avril 2017 Theme: Perinatal depression with Nathalie Parent, Psychologist (video available in French only) Facebook Live video with Nathalie Parent, a psychologist and author of Du post-partum à
Thalasso Baby Bath® Care with Stéphanie  Houde

Thalasso Baby Bath® Care with Stéphanie Houde

A live video with Stéphanie Houde, ambassador for Thalasso Baby Bath®. Discover this therapy, its benefits for newborns and how it works.
Orthophony: Stimulate language up to one-year-old

Orthophony: Stimulate language up to one-year-old

In babies under one-year-old, how does the language mechanism evolve? How to stimulate language acquisition?
Vaccinations with Christiane Dubreuil (live video)

Vaccinations with Christiane Dubreuil (live video)

Theme: Vaccinations with Christiane Dubreuil, Nurse Specialising in Vaccinations (in French only) Facebook Live video with Christiane Dubreuil, a nurse specialising in vaccinations at the Centre de vaccination Christiane Dubreuil.
The Pelvic Floor with Olivia Dubois, Physiotherapist

The Pelvic Floor with Olivia Dubois, Physiotherapist

Theme: The pelvic floor with Olivia Dubois, a physiotherapist specialising in perineal re-education Facebook Live video with Olivia Dubois, a physiotherapist who is finishing her doctorate at the Centre d’expertise
Baby Wearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor

Baby Wearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor

Date: November 27, 2016 Theme: Babywearing with Émilie Tanné, Babywearing Monitor Facebook Live video with Émilie Tanné, a babywearing monitor. In this video, Marie and Émilie talk about the history
Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Date : 6 novembre 2016 Thème : Live Facebook video with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant Marie and Line answer questions about breastfeeding from internet users. The presentation deals with four main
Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Adapting to a new baby in the family (live video) FR only

Date : 27 novembre 2017 Theme: Adapting to a new baby in the family Having a baby is a significant event in a couple’s life. You have to learn about a
Support during Labour, Delivery and Returning Home (Live video in French)

Support during Labour, Delivery and Returning Home (Live video in French)

During labour, delivery and returning home, you will notice support from fathers is essential.
Motor Development From 0-12 Months with Cynthia Fontaine, Physiotherapist (Live Video)

Motor Development From 0-12 Months with Cynthia Fontaine, Physiotherapist (Live Video)

Marie welcomes a physiotherapist. They divided the presentation into trimesters to suggest activities and toys adapted to each stage from 0-12 months.
Baby Congestion

Baby Congestion

Does your baby have difficulty breathing and breastfeeding at the same time because their nose is stuffed? You don’t know what to do to clear your tiny baby’s nose? What
Couchettes short

Couchettes short

In this video capsule about crib bumpers, I will talk about protective padding for the crib’s bars. Why use them and when should they be installed? To learn more about
Lifting a car seat

Lifting a car seat

Do you know how to lift a baby carrier without throwing out your back? In this video, I show you a simple way to lift and carry your baby carrier.
The leopard position

The leopard position

How can you soothe a baby with a lot of gas? How can you hold them to help release it? In this short video, I suggest the leopard position.
Stomach Massages for Babies

Stomach Massages for Babies

A proper massage of a baby’s stomach can help release their gases and soothe them at the same time. Do you know how to do this massage? Watch this short
How to properly swathe a baby

How to properly swathe a baby

In this video capsule, I show you a technique to swaddle a baby. For more information, please watch these videos: Baby Massages How to Measure a Pregnancy and Nursing Bras
Babywearing: Installing a Wrap

Babywearing: Installing a Wrap

There are many benefits of babywearing for both parents and babies. There are many babywearing options, including woven wraps. In this video, Catherine, shows you how to use a woven
Nipple Shields or Nipple Protectors

Nipple Shields or Nipple Protectors

Do you have a nipple wound and it hurts? Flat nipples or a very strong ejection reflex? Nipple shields or nipple protectors are your solution
How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

How to Measure your Pregnancy and Nursing Bras

When and how do you measure your chest? During pregnancy and then when breastfeeding, your thoracic cage expands and your morphology changes. In this capsule I show you how to
How to reduce a baby's cough?

How to reduce a baby’s cough?

Question from a mother: I have a question for you! Benjamin has been sick since Friday. His nose is runny, and he coughs a lot! On Thursday he had is
Sunscreen for babies under six months?

Sunscreen for babies under six months?

Do you have any articles on your website that talk about travelling south with a baby? I am going with my five-month-old! I have heard different things about sunscreen. Some
Breastfeeding Difficulty: Tongue-tie short

Breastfeeding Difficulty: Tongue-tie short

Breastfeeding after childbirth is not an easy thing. I need a nipple shield because my breasts hurt. I have nipple cracking and blood. And my baby’s short tongue frenulum means
Can I use sunscreen on my five-month-old baby?

Can I use sunscreen on my five-month-old baby?

It is important to protect your baby from the sun. There are ways you can make sure the sun doesn’t damage their fragile skin. Let’s talk about it! To learn
Can I add pumped milk to the milk in the fridge?

Can I add pumped milk to the milk in the fridge?

Hello Marie! This morning I pumped my milk but only got 2 ounces. I was told to put it in the fridge and to not mix it with older refrigerated
I want to introduce meats, but how should I start?

I want to introduce meats, but how should I start?

Hello! The doctor’s office is closed, and I have a question for you. My daughter is 6 months old and has been eating fruits, vegetables and cereals since she was
Can a 5-month-old baby sulk his milk?  (video clip)

Can a 5-month-old baby sulk his milk? (video clip)

Hello Marie, finally the 40 oz didn't last long; as hard as I try, she doesn't like to drink. However, when I give her cereals, she likes it, asking for
Can an overly strong ejection reflex lead to colic?

Can an overly strong ejection reflex lead to colic?

My baby is 13 days old and already has colic after breastfeeding. My milk flow is pretty strong, a powerful ejection reflex.
My two-month-old baby doesn’t sleep a lot during the day!

My two-month-old baby doesn’t sleep a lot during the day!

During the day my baby doesn’t sleep a lot. It’s like she’s fighting sleep… which means I don’t get a lot of breaks!
My baby wants its pacifier ten times a night. What should I do?

My baby wants its pacifier ten times a night. What should I do?

My baby has severe reflux. Once asleep, she sleeps with her pacifier. However, we can get up at ten times to give it back to her.
Do you have a miracle solution for my baby’s irritated bottom?

Do you have a miracle solution for my baby’s irritated bottom?

Question from a mother: Hello Marie, I need to know if you have a miracle solution for my baby’s burning bottom, as I am having difficulty calming them. To learn
If my baby eats dinner, should I feed him cereal later at night?

If my baby eats dinner, should I feed him cereal later at night?

My baby started eating sweet potatoes for dinner. Should I feed him cereals later in the evening?
Is it normal that my 3.5 month old baby drinks 2-3 times a night?

Is it normal that my 3.5 month old baby drinks 2-3 times a night?

Question from a mother: Hello! Is it normal that my 3.5-month-old baby is still drinking 2-3 times a night (she was breastfed)? My friends who have babies around the same
My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

My baby has difficulty sleeping because of reflux. What should I do?

Question from a mother: My baby has severe reflux. The only way to get them to sleep is to rock them because the movement prevents them from feeling the reflux.
I have a 5-month-old baby who no longer drinks regular amounts of milk.

I have a 5-month-old baby who no longer drinks regular amounts of milk.

Question from a mother: Hello, I have a 5-month-old baby, and she no longer drinks regular amounts of milk. Sometimes she will drink 31oz one day and 23oz the next.
My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby started sucking his thumb. Should I give a pacifier? I was told that thumb sucking can create a dependency and cause dental problems.