Category: 17-18 weeks pregnant

Possible Causes of Pregnancy Cholestasis

Possible Causes of Pregnancy Cholestasis

The previous article defines pregnancy cholestasis. To read it, go to Pregnancy Cholestasis: Liver Disease During Pregnancy. There are many possible causes of pregnancy cholestasis,
Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Doing yoga during pregnancy is both possible and a great idea. Yoga can help reduce the intensity of pain during labour and delivery.
I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

Hello Marie, I am pregnant 33 weeks five days pregnant with twin girls! Yesterday I had an ultrasound, and the girls are doing great. 5lbs
I don’t recognise myself anymore!

I don’t recognise myself anymore!

Marie, I don’t recognise myself anymore! I am someone who naturally worries, but now I am at my peak! I am 18 weeks pregnant and
17-18 Weeks Pregnant

17-18 Weeks Pregnant

Hello out there! I’m here, alive and well and covered with a thick layer of vernix to keep me warm. Parents, you’d be surprised to
I have genital herpes and don’t want to infect my baby!

I have genital herpes and don’t want to infect my baby!

I don’t know if you can help me, but I have genital herpes. I don’t currently have an outbreak, but I am pregnant and scared
What should I do for calf cramps?

What should I do for calf cramps?

Did you know that around 1 in 2 pregnant women will experience calf cramps during the night? They usually appear during the 2nd trimester, around
Treating and Monitoring Pregnancy Cholestasis

Treating and Monitoring Pregnancy Cholestasis

If you would like to learn about the causes of pregnancy cholestasis, go to the previous article, Possible Causes of Pregnancy Cholestasis. When a pregnant
What is pregnancy cholestasis?

What is pregnancy cholestasis?

Marie, I itch all over! My doctor said I have pregnancy cholestasis. Can you tell me what this means and what I can do to
Pregnancy Cholestasis: Liver Disease During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Cholestasis: Liver Disease During Pregnancy

Cholestasis. What does this big word mean? Pregnancy cholestasis is not a frequent pregnancy complication. Its appearance is based on ethnicity, geographical location and even
Can I ask for an ultrasound?

Can I ask for an ultrasound?

I’m pregnant and  I’m worried about my baby. I would like to ask for an ultrasound to get reassurance. Is it possible to ask my