Category: Pregnancy journal

33-34 Weeks Pregnant

33-34 Weeks Pregnant

The weeks pass, and I will get to know you soon. Already at 33 weeks! Wow! Since the 20-week ultrasound, time is flying. Your room
19-20 Weeks Pregnant

19-20 Weeks Pregnant

Hello! My name is Marika, and I am halfway through my pregnancy. Time is going pretty fast, and I am very excited at the idea
23-24 Weeks Pregnant

23-24 Weeks Pregnant

Good Morning Mom and Dad! I woke up a couple of minutes ago and am having fun in my pool. I sometimes try to take
35-36 Weeks Pregnant

35-36 Weeks Pregnant

Hello, baby reporting! Listen, parents, I am in a tight spot here in Mom’s tummy, and I am really looking forward to getting out and
15-16 Weeks Pregnant

15-16 Weeks Pregnant

My name is Philippe, and I’m going to be a dad. Our pregnancy, if I can call it that, has been pretty good so far.
37-38 Weeks Pregnant

37-38 Weeks Pregnant

Marie Fortier, the baby expert, presents in an original way the point of view of mom at the 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.
27-28 Weeks Pregnant

27-28 Weeks Pregnant

Good morning little one. I hope you slept well. I am talking to you through Mom’s belly button and know you can hear me; you
11-12 Weeks Pregnant

11-12 Weeks Pregnant

Hello Parents! Yep, I’m back! At 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, I am starting to look like a little human. You’ll be surprised how cute I
9-10 Weeks Pregnant

9-10 Weeks Pregnant

Updated article on June 6, 2023. Hello, My name is Etienne, and I will be a father in a few months. I am slowly learning
29-30 Weeks Pregnant

29-30 Weeks Pregnant

I’m back parents! I am doing well and growing fast, weigh 1.3 kg and measure 34 cm. You know Mom because your uterus is pressing
17-18 Weeks Pregnant

17-18 Weeks Pregnant

Hello out there! I’m here, alive and well and covered with a thick layer of vernix to keep me warm. Parents, you’d be surprised to
21-22 Weeks Pregnant

21-22 Weeks Pregnant

Wow! Since I saw you during the ultrasound a week ago, I can’t stop thinking about my little girl! I want to prepare your bedroom;