Category: Delivery
You don’t know what to buy for your baby? Over the years, I have tested many! I have listed everything in my Amazon Store. Each
Epidural or Spinal Anesthesia
What is the difference between an epidural and spinal anesthesia during delivery?
Childbirth and Social Networks
Des images et des vidéos souvent très personnelles sont partagées à grand rayonnement, et ce, même pour des événements intimes.
Umbilical Cord Prolapse
Marie, my friend Manon told me that when she broke her water with her first baby, she saw a portion of her baby's umbilical cord
The Main Causes of Premature Childbirth
To learn more about prematurity, go to What is Prematurity? In this article, I want to talk about the leading causes of premature childbirth. You
The Realities of Childbirth
Hormones such as oxytocin, endorphins, catecholamines and others are involved during labour and childbirth are very weak.
Are there different labour and childbirth positions?
I recently read an article from Europe that talked about different helpful positions during labour and childbirth suggested by a doctor over there. I was
Returning Home with a Premature Baby
To read the previous, read Prematurity and Breastfeeding. Many parents wonder when a premature baby can go home with them. An excellent question, but there
Let’s Talk Placenta
During your 20-week ultrasound the doctor might say that your placenta is marginal, or low-lying, or partial previa or complete previa.
Caesarean or no?
A caesarian is another way to bring a baby into the world, and it’s very important to talk about it when preparing for childbirth.
Are there alternative ways to soothe pain during labour?
Marie, I am writing to you because I would like to give birth naturally and was wondering if you know of alternative approaches so that
The Impacts of Having a Baby that is Different
If you haven’t already done so, read the previous part: Mourning a “Normal” Child. The arrival of a baby that is different in the lives