My body has become used to your presence, and I love feeling you move around changing the shape of my stomach. My belly button has disappeared! I run out of breath quickly, I have to pee 10,000 times a day, and I don’t sleep very well because I can’t find a comfortable position. Dad has difficulty sleeping too because I have to get up to go pee, eat or read to try to fall back asleep. It’s almost like we are training for long nights with you when you arrive!

I imagine you comfortable inside my tummy. Move your head to the bottom, please. Get ready to come out, but not quite yet! It’s not the time. Even if I know you could survive right now, I want you to come out at term. Don’t worry; I can wait!

Dad talks to me about the upcoming delivery, about things he can do for me. He’s so cute and cares for both of us every day. He tries to reassure me, but I know he’s stressed and worried too. We take time to talk about, sometimes in the bath together, while eating a nice candlelight dinner. Even if he has difficulty expressing himself, he shares his concerns, expectations and we talk about how we can help each other. This is very calming for both of us. He comes with me to my appointments, which are now every two weeks instead of once a month. Our doctor can also reassure us if we have questions.

Many different health professionals can provide us with advice and answers, but you need to see THE RIGHT PEOPLE. You have to be careful what you find on social networks and discussion groups for parents…

Practical Advice:

  • Mothers can start massaging their perinea to help its elasticity during childbirth. You can use an EPI-NO (in french), but you need to consult a physiotherapist to learn about how to use it. To learn more about the topic, you can watch the video about preparing your pelvic floor with an expert in the field.
  • Parents, if you haven’t already bought your car seat, you should read How to Choose a Baby Car Seat (in french) which includes advice from two pros.

Here are some suggestions to learn more about what’s happening to you and to help you prepare for what’s coming.


Educational Tickets:

The Baby Expert

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Come back soon to read: My 33-34 weeks of pregnancy to learn more.

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In this video, I am accompanied by Dr. Véronique G. Dorval, a neonatologist and director of the Neonatal Clinic at