Characteristics of Disposable Diapers and Wipes

27-28 weeks pregnant, Health advice, Postnatal, Your questions

I don’t know if you are like me, but I think that few people take the time to research disposable diapers before choosing them for their baby. That’s why I wanted to write this article with Catherine, who is an expert in the field.

In this article:

I had to do a lot of research to get up to date on current information about disposable diapers. Despite my research, I still can’t explain the details about chemical procedures, but I can help you learn more about the topic.

Disposable diapers appeared in 1956. At the start of the 1960s, they were already being sold in North America, Asia, then in Europe. Their popularity is clear! However, future parents often wonder about their benefits and disadvantages to make the right choice for their baby.

Usually, parents choose disposable diapers for the following advantages:

  •    Fast and practical (no washing and drying)
  •    Fit the anatomical shape of the baby, even when moving (ergonomic)
  •    Small in size
  •    Keeps skin dry

On the other hand, the ecological footprint of disposable diapers is rather high, because a baby will use about 2,000 diapers a year, and most of the time will wear them up to 30 months of age. The waste produced by diapers is significant for the environment. You also have to consider that their cost is an addition to the family budget on a recurrent basis. You will use about 5,000 diapers for a single baby. This can cost more than $1,500, which is significant.

In the next parts we will see how diapers are made, their sizes and characteristics, then we will look at baby wipes and their ranking. After that, it’s up to you to make the right choice!




To continue reading, go to How are Disposable Diapers Made?

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