Date: June 12, 2016
Theme: Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth
Marie answers your questions about mothers and recovery post-childbirth. What happens in the hours after delivery? And the return home with the newborn? What changes will take place in your body?
Introduction: based on the type of delivery, recovery will be different, how can you prepare before childbirth and the rest of the family.
00:05:00: New mother’s physical needs: sleep, rest, eat, move, be relieved
00:31:00: Experiencing sexuality after childbirth.
00:40:00: New mother’s psychological needs: emotionality, need for intimacy, expressing her experiences, concerns, need to learn, be reassured and encouraged.
00:51:00: Diastasis
Support network needs: partner, family, network, public and community resources
To learn more about the topic, watch these videos:
- Becoming Parents
- Special Breastfeeding Situations
- Bathing a Newborn
- Devenir parent
- Allaitement : vivre les premiers moments
- Situations particulières en allaitement
- Bain du nouveau-né
Read these articles:
- A New Mother’s Needs
- Adapting to the Baby’s Arrival
- Tear or Episiotomy?
- Besoins des nouvelles mères
- Adaptation à l’arrivée d’un bébé
- Déchirure ou épisiotomie?
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