Dermatology for Babies and During Pregnancy

Baby/parents, Prenatal

Date: March 25, 2018

Theme: Live video in French : Dermatology for Babies and During Pregnancy

In this live video broadcast Sunday, March 25, 2018, I welcome Dr. Émilie Bourgeault, a dermatologist with DermaGo.

You have questions about changes in your skin during pregnancy? Have you noted your baby has patchy or red skin?

In this video we answer questions and talk about lots of topics:

  • Stretch marks
  • Brown spots
  • Babies with cradle cap
  • Diaper rash


00:04:03: Presenting Émilie Bourgeault, a dermatologist
00:06:02: Dermatology during pregnancy
00:07:36: Skin changes during pregnancy
00:08:07: Increased pigmentation: skin spots and expert advice
00:10:39: Pregnancy acne: information and expert advice
00:19:16: Tattoos and stretch marks: information and expert advice
00:26:23: Hair loss: information and expert advice
00:31:57: Caesarean section scar: information and expert advice
00:36:31: Dermatology and babies
00:37:02: Nevus simplex: skin spots
00:38:33: Hemangioma: information and expert advice
00:43:37: Café au lait spots: information and expert advice
00:45:09: Can a baby have rosacea?
00:46:02: Cradle cap or seborrheic dermatitis: information and expert advice
00:53:10: Diaper rash: information and expert advice
00:58:20: Eczema: information and expert advice
01:15:04: Baby paronychia: information and expert advice
01:19:08: Marie and Émilie conclude

To learn more about the topic, watch these videos:

Read these articles:


Logo : Dermago avec Dre Emilie Bourgeault, dermatologue Dr. Emilie Bourgeault

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