Category: Videos

My baby wants its pacifier ten times a night. What should I do?

My baby wants its pacifier ten times a night. What should I do?

My baby has severe reflux. Once asleep, she sleeps with her pacifier. However, we can get up at ten times to give it back to
Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Date : 23 avril 2017 Theme: Perinatal depression with Nathalie Parent, Psychologist (video available in French only) Facebook Live video with Nathalie Parent, a psychologist and
Sunscreen for babies under six months?

Sunscreen for babies under six months?

Do you have any articles on your website that talk about travelling south with a baby? I am going with my five-month-old! I have heard
Acupuncture and Pregnancy

Acupuncture and Pregnancy

Did you know that acupuncture is a safe alternative practice during pregnancy and for the baby?
Osteopathy During Pregnancy

Osteopathy During Pregnancy

Osteopathy can help soothe pregnancy ailments. This alternative practice can help safely reduce discomfort for mother and baby.
Childbirth in a Birthing Center

Childbirth in a Birthing Center

Marie attends the birth of Amy and Greg’s 4th child. The couple chose to give birth in a birthing home. They are accompanied by a
Thalasso Baby Bath® Care with Stéphanie  Houde

Thalasso Baby Bath® Care with Stéphanie Houde

A live video with Stéphanie Houde, ambassador for Thalasso Baby Bath®. Discover this therapy, its benefits for newborns and how it works.
Lifting a car seat

Lifting a car seat

Do you know how to lift a baby carrier without throwing out your back? In this video, I show you a simple way to lift
Can a 5-month-old baby sulk his milk?  (video clip)

Can a 5-month-old baby sulk his milk? (video clip)

Hello Marie, finally the 40 oz didn't last long; as hard as I try, she doesn't like to drink. However, when I give her cereals,
Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Date : 6 novembre 2016 Thème : Live Facebook video with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant Marie and Line answer questions about breastfeeding from internet users. The
Analgesics and Anesthetics

Analgesics and Anesthetics

During a hospital delivery, you will have the choice to relieve the pain of contractions with analgesics or anesthetics
Evolution of Labour

Evolution of Labour

What conditions are necessary for natural childbirth? Marie talks about them in clear terms. You will then be able to understand labour as it evolves