Category: Prenatal

Breaking Your Water

Breaking Your Water

How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
Massage for Pregnant Woman

Massage for Pregnant Woman

Dans cette vidéo, une massothérapeute vous montre 5 mouvements de massage qui détendent les zones les plus sollicitées chez la femme enceinte.
Pregnancy Monitoring

Pregnancy Monitoring

In this video Marie talks about pregnancy monitoring and the first appointment with a health professional.
Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy

Good Lifestyle Habits and Pregnancy

Here are the most recent recommendations about diets, vitamin supplements and good lifestyle habits during pregnancy.
Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Do you know which medications are allowed during pregnancy? What can you take for nausea or headaches? What about a cold? If congested, can I
Bathing a Newborn

Bathing a Newborn

You might feel insecure giving a newborn a bath. Marie demonstrates a newborn bath massage with baby Romain.
Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Have you thought about aquafit classes during your pregnancy? Discover the benefits of this water-based physical activity with an expert in prenatal aquafitness.
Couchettes short

Couchettes short

In this video capsule about crib bumpers, I will talk about protective padding for the crib’s bars. Why use them and when should they be
Washable Diapers

Washable Diapers

How can you sort through all the reusable diapers on the market? A consultant presents different options to help you choose.
Newborn discomforts

Newborn discomforts

Newborn conjunctivitis, bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, reflux and colic. Marie frequently saw these newborn ailments.
Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding, four specific situations : nipple pain, milk production, breastfeeding a premature baby and breastfeeding twins.
The Midwife Profession

The Midwife Profession

A midwife talks about her profession. What’s her role during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of the baby?