Category: Prenatal

Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding: Specific Situations

Breastfeeding, four specific situations : nipple pain, milk production, breastfeeding a premature baby and breastfeeding twins.
Massage for Pregnant Woman

Massage for Pregnant Woman

Dans cette vidéo, une massothérapeute vous montre 5 mouvements de massage qui détendent les zones les plus sollicitées chez la femme enceinte.
Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Breastfeeding with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant

Date : 6 novembre 2016 Thème : Live Facebook video with Line Boutet, a lactation consultant Marie and Line answer questions about breastfeeding from internet users. The
Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Perinatal Depression (live video in French)

Date : 23 avril 2017 Theme: Perinatal depression with Nathalie Parent, Psychologist (video available in French only) Facebook Live video with Nathalie Parent, a psychologist and
Support During Pregnancy and delivery

Support During Pregnancy and delivery

The people accompanying a woman during labour must be ready for their roles. Julie Bonapace suggests things during childbirth.
Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is all the muscles that you need during pregnancy and childbirth. How can you prepare this structure during pregnancy?
Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Have you thought about aquafit classes during your pregnancy? Discover the benefits of this water-based physical activity with an expert in prenatal aquafitness.
Pharmacology and Maternity

Pharmacology and Maternity

Date : 10 décembre 2017 Theme: Pharmacology and Maternity Pregnancy is a time in life where it’s essential to take medications and products that are adapted


Learning about prematurity doesn’t mean you will give birth prematurely. We want to help parents prepare for every eventuality.


Contractions scare many pregnant women. How to identify and calculate them?
Sexuality and Pregnancy

Sexuality and Pregnancy

Can having sex at the start of pregnancy cause a miscarriage? When the baby arrives, how can you ensure you maintain your sexuality as a
Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

What happens during the first moments with your baby? How does the body prepare for breastfeeding?