Tag: educational videos

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga

Doing yoga during pregnancy is both possible and a great idea. Yoga can help reduce the intensity of pain during labour and delivery.
Dad and Pregnancy

Dad and Pregnancy

Dad’s place during pregnancy and childbirth is important. Each father experiences the adventure differently.
Caesarian deliveries

Caesarian deliveries

Some pregnancies end with a caesarean section. To prepare for this option, Marie meets with Dr. Guy Waddell.
Newborn discomforts

Newborn discomforts

Newborn conjunctivitis, bloating, regurgitation, vomiting, reflux and colic. Marie frequently saw these newborn ailments.
Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

Breastfeeding : Engaging with my baby

What happens during the first moments with your baby? How does the body prepare for breastfeeding?
Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Childbirth in a Hospital with an Epidural

Marie accompanies Karine and Jocelyn to the hospital for the birth of their second baby. During this birth, the doctor will induce labour. You will
Osteopathy and baby

Osteopathy and baby

Osteopathy can help babies release tensions and strains after childbirth. Did you know you can do this in the water?
Massage for Pregnant Woman

Massage for Pregnant Woman

Dans cette vidéo, une massothérapeute vous montre 5 mouvements de massage qui détendent les zones les plus sollicitées chez la femme enceinte.
The Bonapace method

The Bonapace method

The Bonapace Method can help you better understand the experience of labour and birth.


Contractions scare many pregnant women. How to identify and calculate them?
Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Warning Signs of Imminent Labour

Are you getting close to your delivery date? What signs indicate that you are slowing going into labour and delivery?
Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Pregnant or breastfeeding women can care for certain physical and emotional issues with approved natural or homeopathic products.