Breast Milk Storage Table

Postnatal, Practical hints

Combien de temps se conserve le lait maternel?

Please consult my table for more information!

Voyez mon tableau pour vous y retrouver!

Do you always wonder how long freshly-pumped breast milk will be good at room temperature or after having been heated? 

I understand why because we always want to give our baby’s the best. 

I have prepared a table with answers to many questions that I have received about storing breast milk.

Image - Sacs de conservation du lait maternel : tableau de conservation du lait maternel gratuit à imprimer

Click here to download the Breast Milk Storage Table.

In this printable table, you will find precise indications for fresh, frozen, thawed and reheated heated milk.

Print it and stick it to your fridge as a handy guide.

Breast milk storage bags are also a good option.

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Breast Milk Storage Table

Par Marie Fortier Temps de lecture: 1 min