Daycare Services


To facilitate the return to work, see the article called Returning to Work and Daycare.

Pour faciliter le retour au travail, voyez le billet traitant de ce sujet : Retour au travail et garderie

Photo - enfants qui jouent dehors milieu de garde familial

What parents should know to make the right choice:

  •       Know what you want from a daycare, prepare a list of questions before signing a              service contract. Mom and dad should meet the daycare worker without their child          and discuss expectations and procedures to see if there’s a fit. Your first impression        is usually right, and how you feel in the daycare in the presence of the worker says          a  lot. Follow your gut feeling, because you are the parents. Does the daycare                    correspond to your values?
  •       Try to find a daycare close to home or work.
  •       Start researching several months before returning to work.
  •       Talk to friends about how their experiences were, what helped them during the process of choosing a daycare.
  •       Ask about opening and closing times, the number of days (full- or part-time), vacations, statutory holidays, routine                    (meals,  snacks, naps, activities, going outside, etc.).
  •       When you find a daycare you like, reserve a spot as soon as possible. It reduces last-minute stress.
  •       Be open to new ways of doing things, even if they are different from the way you do it.

To get advice from experts, please read Expert Advice to Prepare your Child for Daycare. 

Pour obtenir des astuces d’experts, veuillez consulter le prochain billet : Conseils de pros pour préparer son enfant à la garderie

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