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Theme: Milk Intolerance and Allergies (French only)
Marie answers your questions about milk intolerances and allergies. How can you recognise an intolerance, and what should you do if you think there’s an allergy involved?
Introduction : context, no self-diagnosing, guiding your observations
00:01:00 : Defining intolerance and allergy
00:02:10 : Possible causes of an intolerance and allergy
00:03:14 : Allergy signs
00:10:10 : Warning signs that you need to act quickly
00:11:37 : Examples of allergies for a mother exclusively breastfeeding
00:18:00 : Probiotics
00:19:00 : Examples of allergies for a baby fed with commercial formulas
00:21:00 : What should you do for an intolerance and allergy?
To learn more, watch these videos:
- The Bottle (in french)
- Introducing Solid Foods
- Can my strong ejection reflex cause colic? (in french)
- Newborn Ailments
- Can a 5-month-old baby refuse their milk? (in french)
Read these articles:
- Commercial Infant Formula
- Baby Intestinal Immunity or Intestinal Microbiota
- Food Intolerances and Allergies in Young Children
- Baby Regurgitation, Vomiting or Reflux
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