Category: Videos for members only

The Calming Dance

The Calming Dance

Your baby is inconsolable, and you’ve tried everything. Have you tried the calming dance?
Thalasso Baby Bath® Care with Stéphanie  Houde

Thalasso Baby Bath® Care with Stéphanie Houde

A live video with Stéphanie Houde, ambassador for Thalasso Baby Bath®. Discover this therapy, its benefits for newborns and how it works.
Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Mothers and Recovery Post-Childbirth

Comment se passent les heures après l'accouchement? Quels sont les changements qui vont s'opérer dans votre corps?
Caesarian deliveries

Caesarian deliveries

Some pregnancies end with a caesarean section. To prepare for this option, Marie meets with Dr. Guy Waddell.
Adapting to the return home with a newborn

Adapting to the return home with a newborn

How can you prepare for this event and help the transition go smoothly? How do you get the older brother and/or sister involved?
Baby Stool

Baby Stool

Marie answers your questions about baby stool. A broad topic that often concerns parents. What’s the consistency, colour and texture of baby stool?
My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby has started sucking their thumb. Should I give them a pacifier?

My baby started sucking his thumb. Should I give a pacifier? I was told that thumb sucking can create a dependency and cause dental problems.
The Midwife Profession

The Midwife Profession

A midwife talks about her profession. What’s her role during pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of the baby?
Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic Pregnancy

What is an ectopic, or extrauterine, pregnancy? Have you heard about it? Why does it happen? What are the signs? I explain everything in this
Physical Exam of a Baby

Physical Exam of a Baby

Parents may not know how a newborn will physically look after birth, and it may worry them.
Conceiving a 2nd Baby and Breastfeeding

Conceiving a 2nd Baby and Breastfeeding

Hello Marie, I am worried. My partner and I are trying to have a 2nd child because the birth of our first one went really
If my baby eats dinner, should I feed him cereal later at night?

If my baby eats dinner, should I feed him cereal later at night?

My baby started eating sweet potatoes for dinner. Should I feed him cereals later in the evening?