Category: Prenatal

Clearing the Airways

Clearing the Airways

How to know if your baby is at risk of choking or suffocating? A paramedic shows us how to clear a baby’s airways.
Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Naturopathy, Pregnancy and the Baby

Pregnant or breastfeeding women can care for certain physical and emotional issues with approved natural or homeopathic products.
Dad and Pregnancy

Dad and Pregnancy

Dad’s place during pregnancy and childbirth is important. Each father experiences the adventure differently.
I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

I am pregnant with twins. When should I give birth?

Hello Marie, I am pregnant 33 weeks five days pregnant with twin girls! Yesterday I had an ultrasound, and the girls are doing great. 5lbs
The Pelvic Floor with Olivia Dubois, Physiotherapist

The Pelvic Floor with Olivia Dubois, Physiotherapist

Theme: The pelvic floor with Olivia Dubois, a physiotherapist specialising in perineal re-education Facebook Live video with Olivia Dubois, a physiotherapist who is finishing her


Contractions scare many pregnant women. How to identify and calculate them?
Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Welcoming a Baby that is Different

Theme: Welcoming a Baby that is Different In this video broadcast on Sunday, March 4, 2018, and pre-recorded at CHU Sainte-Justine, I am accompanied by
Length of pregnancies

Length of pregnancies

In this video I will explain how we calculate your pregnancy age and your likely delivery date.
Conceiving a 2nd Baby and Breastfeeding

Conceiving a 2nd Baby and Breastfeeding

Hello Marie, I am worried. My partner and I are trying to have a 2nd child because the birth of our first one went really
Breaking Your Water

Breaking Your Water

How can you know if your water broke? What signs should you look for and what precautions should you take? Marie talks about it.
Pharmacology and Maternity

Pharmacology and Maternity

Date : 10 décembre 2017 Theme: Pharmacology and Maternity Pregnancy is a time in life where it’s essential to take medications and products that are adapted
Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Aqua-Form and Pregnancy

Have you thought about aquafit classes during your pregnancy? Discover the benefits of this water-based physical activity with an expert in prenatal aquafitness.