Important Resources and Support for Anxiety

Delivery, Postnatal, Second trimester

Don’t forget to read the previous part, “Perinatal Anxiety in Men and Women.

Early detection is undoubtedly a decisive factor in providing the best possible help to those experiencing a mental health problem during the perinatal period (SOGC, October 2024). The health guidelines aim to raise awareness among future and new parents of the fact that mental health problems in the perinatal period go far beyond postnatal depression. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the sooner the person can be helped appropriately, and the better the outcome for the family.

Each person is unique and has ways to deal with their vulnerabilities. You also have to take care of yourself to be able to care for your child, partner, friends and family.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that there’s a big gap between knowledge and concrete action in the healthcare network’s offer of services to better support future and new parents who are experiencing (SOGC, October 2024)

How can I get support?

  • Get personalised support for the transition to becoming parents, for example. This can help people handle this specific period.
  • Get help at home after the baby’s arrival. You need to feel supported, helped, surrounded by friends and family. You need to feel comfortable and supported during this stage filled with new things.
  • Write a daily journal to keep your observations. This can help recognise unpleasant emotions and understand when they appear. You will have hints and power over what you can quickly do instead of letting the impacts worsen over time.
  • Help is available in CIUSSS, private services, community services, professional orders that can refer you to professionals in your region. Research teams in universities can often provide free or low-cost services.
  • Soutien face à l'anxiété périnatale You can consult professionals (doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists) who will provide you with a full evaluation and an action plan and therapy to deal with underlying factors, not just the symptoms.

For example, it could be a cognitive-behavioural approach, where the changes they will suggest will significantly improve people’s lives.

There’s no magical cure to heal all life’s pains, but actions taken can mean that life can be better and easier on a day-to-day basis for yourself and with your family and in society.

It’s important to remember that the way you react to anxiety during different stages of life is for the most part already learned. Ways of dealing with vulnerabilities, such as intolerance and uncertainty, are also already learned. On the other hand, we can learn to lower our anxiety, or at least better tolerate uncertainty. You can do it!

We will experience uncertainty, question ourselves and even have anxiety during this period when we become parents. However, this in no way makes you bad parents!

Marie Fortier
The Baby Expert

Updated article : December, 2024.

References :

  • SOGC: journal des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada, vol 46, issue 10, octobre 2024
  • SOGC: journal des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada, Directive Clinique No 454


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